Author: Blaise Tassone

by Blaise Tassone | September 12, 2018

The other day was the twenty-fifth anniversary of the now classic sci-fi show ‘The X-Files’. First broadcast on the Fox Network (or as we used to call it, the Simpsons’ Network) on September 10, 1993, The X-Files was a ground breaking television series and quickly gained...

by Blaise Tassone | September 11, 2018

This is the third in my series of posts on comics based on toy lines that are in discussion to have films made about them. My first post looked at comics inspired by Mattel products, and my last entry focused on Mego’s 'Micronauts': relatively...

by Blaise Tassone | September 10, 2018

Last time I was looking at comics based on Mattel products and exploring the popularity of comics based on toy lines. Successful toys were often made the subject of comic books with both the toys and the comics having nostalgia value for collectors. This combination...

by Blaise Tassone | September 9, 2018

Never underestimate the role of nostalgia in driving the value of collectibles. In North America especially, the comic book world has frequently been viewed (rightly or wrongly) as appealing to pre-pubescents and young adolescents. The toy companies in this country also, of course, market their products...

by Blaise Tassone | September 8, 2018

Oh those shape-shifting, power hungry, inveigling Skrulls! Just when you thought they’d disappeared and left our world alone, all of a sudden - out of the blue - here they come walking casually out of the water onto a deserted beach. Wait, what? Oh yeah, the...

by Blaise Tassone | September 7, 2018

The recently postponed ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix’ movie project may be a blessing in disguise for picking up some key Bronze Age X-Men comics. Although there were rumors that the Fox movie, originally scheduled for a November 2018 release, would never hit theaters at all. At this...

by Blaise Tassone | September 6, 2018

Nowadays if you have valuable Golden or Silver Aged comics it’s not unusual to get them officially graded and slabbed (encased in plastic). This means, of course, that you have to break them out of the plastic if you want to read them. Luckily, the same...

by Blaise Tassone | September 5, 2018

There’s a reason Joe Satriani put the awesome Sky-rider of the spaceways on the cover of his 1987 album “Surfing with the Alien” (you can hear Satriani’s album here, be sure to listen to it loud). Okay, sure, it fits the name of the album...

by Blaise Tassone | September 4, 2018

Although it’s becoming more common for writers of screen plays and novels to get contracts to write for comics, when Joseph Michael Straczynski first turned his hand to comic books it was almost unheard of for a successful television writer to then write comics. The reasons...

by Blaise Tassone | September 2, 2018

Today Amazing Fantasy #15 (the first appearance of Spider-man) can sell for over $1, 000, 000.00 dollars. Tales of Suspense #39 (the first appearance of Iron Man) can hit sales numbers upwards of $300, 000.00. When we see this kind of money...