Author: Blaise Tassone

by Blaise Tassone | August 20, 2018

With the constant upward trend in the value of Silver Age keys (Fantastic Four #1 is gaining in value seemingly by the week) it seems inevitable that many of the Silver Age keys will soon be priced out of the range of most collectors,...

by Blaise Tassone | August 19, 2018

Published by Fiction House from 1940 to 1953, Planet Comics was one of the first science fiction comic books. The first issue of Planet Comics (cover dated January 1940) was, in fact, the first ever comic to solely publish science fiction as content cover to cover....

by Blaise Tassone | August 18, 2018

Spider-man truly some devoted fans and readers. As proof, take a look at what’s happening with obscure Spider-man books that are capturing the attention of speculators right now. We can start with Amazing Spider-man #212. A video of current Marvel Spider-man actor Tom...

by Blaise Tassone | August 17, 2018

Mike Grell has produced stand out work as both a writer and artist. Among the persistent themes in Grell’s stories are the connections of humans to nature, individualism versus collectivism and how people can maintain integrity in the ever changing, topsy-turvy, modern world. Grell has...

by Blaise Tassone | August 16, 2018

Not at all as conspicuous as a gorilla on the cover or a bondage cover (that some people collect), the Silver Age DC ‘checkered flag’ or ‘racing go-go stripe’ on the very top of the cover lasted for a period of about a year and...

by Blaise Tassone | August 16, 2018

Once upon a time, believe it or not, the Western genre of cowboys and gunfighters were more popular than super-heroes. The later Golden Age, especially the period right after World War II ended, saw a decline in the fascination with super-heroes. By 1948, for example, the...

by Blaise Tassone | August 14, 2018

Is the movie/TV show to comic book trend finally slowing down? Several people have told me they think the link between movies, TV show announcements and sales of comics are slowing. For the last ten years, at least, there’s been quite a close relationship between the...

by Blaise Tassone | August 13, 2018

The recent news in Superhero movie land is that a Supergirl film may be in the works soon. Given the success of the 'Wonder Woman' standalone film (with a sequel on the way), and the positive fan reaction to seeing Harley Quinn on the big...

by Blaise Tassone | August 12, 2018

Adopted by Professor Trevor Bruttenholm as an infant and raised in the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D), Hellboy is everyone’s favorite human/demon hybrid. Brought to Earth from Hell after a dark occult ritual performed by Rasputin (who was working for the Nazis on a...

by Blaise Tassone | August 10, 2018

As Marvel's Silver Age keys continue to break records, in terms of selling for ever higher prices; smart investors and speculators alike could do worse than start to focus on Bronze Age keys with growth potential. I’ve already written about key issues of the Ghost...