The latest superheroes battling for the top Bronze Age ranking are Ms. Marvel and Shazam. Both of their first appearance books were at the top of the Bronze Age chart last month, "Sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise!"(Gomer Pile) The Bronze Age has not seen both books move up until their movie catalyst hit the media hype-highway. Shazam! #1 has been the ultimate winner but four years ago was nowhere on the radar screen. Today it has a hit successful movie and so does Ms. Marvel #1. The movie catalyst notwithstanding, are these two good long term bets, and should you go with an amalgam of the Greek Gods or Ms. Marvel's cosmic touch?






Ms. Marvel #1

Ms. Marvel first appeared in Ms. Marvel #1 created by Gerry Conway and Carla Conway (writers), with the two Johns (Romita and Buscema) on art. Ms. Marvel has superhuman strength, endurance, stamina, physical durability, a "seventh sense" with energy blasts and flight from her suit. She goes through many metamorphoses over the years, with varying powers ultimately becoming more powerful than her initial incarnation. Currently, Ms. Marvel #1 is ranked number two Bronze Age book just below Shazam! #1. How does she stack up on the return side of the equation?




Long-Term Returns:

  • Grade 9.8 $ 1850 FMV returned negative -2.5%
  • Grade 9.4 $ 280 FMV returned negative -2,7%
  • Grade 8.0 $ 110 FMV returned negative -16.6%
  • Grade 6.5 $ 80 FMV returned negative -2.1%


Shazam vs Ms. Marvel

Shazam with the combined might of the Greek gods vanquished Ms. Marvel's superior cosmic Super-Kree powers. I imagine these long-term negative trends for Ms. Marvel #1 are essentially post movie blues. In addition, blowback from a media blunder by the primary star of the movie did not help. No need to give it more oxygen in this blog. Bottom line Ms. Marvel #1 can't stand up to the proven profit power of Shazam! #1. Second place for Ms. Marvel #1 is a good show but ultimately a loss in this matchup.


Shazam! #1

This is the "first Captain Marvel (Shazam-DC) in DC Comics since the Golden Age" (GoCollect). It was created by Denny O'Neil, Otto Binder, Nelson Bridwell (script) and C.C. Beck, Nick Cardy, with Pete Costanza (art) in 1973. For years this book has languished as a big nothing burger. Now, with the successful Shazam movie, it hurls upward and is being bought up by eager speculators. It is currently the top Bronze Age comic book for the month of April.

Long-Term Returns:

  • Grade 9.8 $925 FMV returned positive +23.5%
  • Grade 9.4 $180 FMV returned positive +16.1%
  • Grade 8.0 $90 FMV returned positive +56.2%
  • Grade 6.5 $65 FMV returned positive +29.5%


The long-term returns are mostly positive for Shazam! #1. CGC inventory only has 2725 books slabbed outstanding. This is a drop in the bucket. Fair warning there are a lot of these Shazam! #1 issues out there. But it has languished for so long and is behind almost all the Bronze Age big keys; therefore, this book could easily quadruple in value. Once a second movie is greenlit; then media hype will launch this issue like a Mercury rocket up the rankings. The results will be some very happy speculators. Or in the words of Gomer Pile, "Shazam!" (Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.)