Category: Comic Collecting 101

by Blaise Tassone | September 2, 2019

If you’ve ever tried to sell comics; especially on the internet, you’ve probably realized it’s a buyer’s market. That means getting people excited about hundreds, if not thousands, of existing titles is like getting water out of a stone. Then, periodically, a moment arrives when everybody...

by Blaise Tassone | August 23, 2019

Talk about a crazy week. First the Spider-man Sony/Disney fiasco stresses out many MCU and Spidey fans, and now, with the announcements at the D23 expo we learn that there are no less than three more Marvel Disney+ Shows than those we knew about. The new...

by ChargingGoat | August 22, 2019

CGC graded Modern Comics are a tough nut to crack.  There is definitely a bunch of potential when a new comic is released...complete with fanfare, buzz, and desire.  Nowadays, the release of a new comic is surrounded by a cloud of variants and an overload of...

by Blaise Tassone | August 21, 2019

The hero best known as the second partner to Captain America, the Falcon, later became Captain America himself both in the comics and now in the MCU. Ever since the release of ‘Avengers: Endgame’, in fact, the Falcon’s key comics have seen a boost. Here we...

by James Jou | August 21, 2019

Just like when the roulette ball lands on red ten times in a row, so you go all in on black because this time it definitely has to be black; but it hits red again anyways...  Here we will be embracing the beauty of randomness and draw...

by Blaise Tassone | August 20, 2019

Spider-man is one of the world’s most popular comic book heroes. With rumors (just rumors, for now) circulating that Spider-man 2099 is being considered for a live action movie; and a Clone Saga based film (Ben Rielly/Scarlett Spider) is also in the works (see here),...

by ChargingGoat | August 17, 2019

Bronze age comics seem to be all the rage in recent months, and I am beginning to see why.  Silver Age Marvel keys have priced many collectors out of the market.  Comic prices are showing trending gains and with a little push from Hollywood some comics...

by Blaise Tassone | August 14, 2019

The topic of this blog post is Golden Records reprint editions of key Marvel Silver Age books. A reader recently wrote asking my opinion on these books (shout out to Mike for the email). In this post, after going over the data, I’ll try to assess...

by James Jou | August 13, 2019

Although Star Trek has its roots on broadcast TV, the franchise also has a very expansive collection of adventures printed in the comic book medium. With the mission of Starfleet being to explore new worlds, it was only a matter of time before this included other comic...

by ChargingGoat | August 12, 2019

Canadian Price Variants (CPVs) have definitely been gaining traction over the past few years.  Maybe now that the Toronto Raptors are NBA champs, CPVs will be the new rage in comics.  If you are new to the CPV game, you can catch up by reviewing my...