Category: Key Issues

by Norman Robinson | January 28, 2021

On October 10, 1974, a new type of superhero emerged from Marvel. He fit the times he was created in. He was rough, brutal, pragmatic, and unforgiving. In addition, he had a berserker rage, indestructible skeletal structure, and a healing factor that...

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by Don | January 26, 2021

We’ve all heard the arguments about cameos vs. first appearances, especially as it relates to The Incredible Hulk #180 and #181. Specifically, even though the first time Wolverine fully appears is on the final page of Hulk #180,...

by $Rico$ | January 25, 2021

I am a little late to the party with this article as it seems the comic raffle phenomenon has been going on for years and I am only learning about it now.  Nonetheless, it is definitely worth writing about and mentioning here for all types of...

by Mike W | January 25, 2021

2021 is already here and the madness cannot get here fast enough for Marvel Studios. Disney+, Marvel's streaming platform, will connect their tv shows with the movie universe. The first critical Marvel show premiering on the platform is WandaVision. WandaVision is set to premiere on January 15,...

by Matt Tuck | January 24, 2021

Did you invest early in those Miles Morales keys? If you were left in the cold, warm up with some other Spider-Miles comics worth your investment dollars. Now that 2020 is in the books, it was a banner year for Miles Morales. After...

by John Gerlach | January 23, 2021

So, in December 2020, at the Disney Investor Event, Disney+ announced the slate of upcoming Star Wars TV shows and movies for 2021-2023.  And the ripples from that meeting are continuing.  Nine new Star Wars series for Disney+ and the next Star Wars feature...

by Don | January 22, 2021

I recently purchased several raw copies of The Uncanny X-Men #212 (UXM #212) on eBay. There are two reasons why I invested in this undervalued...

by Norman Robinson | January 21, 2021

After you have been collecting for a bit, you realize certain keys and sub-keys tend to hold value over time.  A key can be first appearance, second appearance, death, new power used, team-ups and crossovers, cameos, and of course origin stories. Is the origin...

by James Jou | January 19, 2021

From out of nowhere, a Bronze Age book that sold for the $50 level has jumped up to over $1000 in the last few months. It could have easily flown under the radar, but luckily we have come upon it. The book of interest...

by Norman Robinson | January 17, 2021

The first appearance of Spider-Man was one of the earliest superheroes with normal issues, school, work, girlfriends,  bills,  and family problems. These were things that Stan Lee wanted to write about: superheroes with human problems. Spidey was basically a normal guy with the radioactive powers of...