Category: Original Art

by ComicArtTrends | November 8, 2022

"Everything old is new again" is attributed to Stephen King, but I suspect poets and farmers turned that phrase many times before that author.  And what do we say about fashion...just wait a while and it will soon be...

by ComicArtTrends | October 27, 2022

Shazam!  It's Dwayne Johnson, the Rock!  Super-pumped, Dwayne Johnson sizzles as Captain Marvel's ancient nemesis.  But will original art collectors exclaim Shazam--or Holy Moley--when looking for Black Adam original art at mere mortal prices?

by ComicArtTrends | October 19, 2022

Don't tell me you never watched the show!  It's time to play The Price is Right, featuring John Romita Sr. Spider-Man art.  You know the rules, best guess but don't go over.  Closest guess below the final sales...

by mattkennedy | October 17, 2022

Last weekend at New York Comic Con a fight broke out in front of Peach Momoko's Artist Alley table leading to the cancellation of her signing. This raises issues about fandom, entitlement, and convention security, so what can we learn from this? Is Civility...

by Lauren Sisselman | October 14, 2022

Political cartoons have been around for hundreds of years and are still around to this very day. While their popularity ebbs and flows with each generation, during the Victorian Era of comics political cartoons were the norm. While most of us can enjoy these one-panel wonders in...

by ComicArtTrends | October 11, 2022

Do you prefer buying art by someone whose fame originated from a marginal character, possibly an avant-garde mini-series?  Or alternatively, do you like artists with a long track record in the industry working on the best characters? For sure, a few...

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | October 7, 2022

“This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman’s head up, which has been severed from her body. Do you think that’s in good taste?” Fans of Crime Suspenstories #22 know this story well - and they know that it's in...

by ComicArtTrends | October 4, 2022

X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-treme X-Men, Ultimate X-Men, X-Men and <add super-group here>, X-Men: The Mini-Series, X-this and X-that.  You name it, there's an X-title out there!  And since they're comic books, that means original X-Men art, here's your ComicLink preview. ...

by ComicArtTrends | September 24, 2022

Would you rather own a wall-size oil painting by your next-door neighbor's kid or a sketch by a legend? Most collectors have to balance their avarice with their wallet size, especially when talking about Kirby art and comics.  So, if your pockets don't run deep, let's talk...

by ComicArtTrends | September 14, 2022

What's the synergy between a popular show featuring comic book characters and the sales of original comic art?  Did Riverdale disenfranchise traditional fans hurting art sales?  Or maybe, new fans tuned in and turned on to investing in...