Category: Uncategorized

by Lauren Sisselman | September 11, 2023

If you're like me, you grew up with wrestling in the late 1980s and early 1990s. This period of wrestling is fondly looked back on as one of the best -- we saw larger-than-life athletes, matches that are still talked about today, and storylines that were so...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 30, 2023

30 years ago, Jurassic Park roared into theaters. Based on the book, Jurassic Park took the world by storm and created a multimillion-dollar franchise. The original film still holds up to this day, though subsequent sequels may look a bit funny on higher-definition televisions. As the franchise...

by Chris Severs | August 29, 2023

Did You AVOID THE INTERNET when it First Launched?  How'd that work out lately?  Are you now avoiding anything to do with Cryptocurrencies, Crypto-Assets, Blockchains, "Web3" or...Digital Collectibles (aka NFTs)? Over the past few weeks, I received many fantastic comments from people who have generously taken some...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 28, 2023

It's back-to-school time for many kids across the globe. Parents are helping their kids move into college dorms, people are finding their perfect backpack -- and many of us are finding that sweet, new, and usable piece for our collection and daily life. This time of year...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 24, 2023

[contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="true" /][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="true" /][contact-field label="Website" type="url" /][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea" /][/contact-form] If you grew up in the VHS era, and you regularly read GoCollect, then you know that the same tapes we watched as kids are now new collectors' pieces. While...

by Cassaundra Thomas | August 22, 2023

From comic books to baseball cards, some of the most iconic collectibles of the past were never created with the intention of becoming future treasures. But, as these items grew in popularity, they developed into something far more than just entertainment - they turned into...

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | August 21, 2023

The August Premier Auction at PWCC is live, featuring elite assets across baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, TCGs, memorabilia, and more! Here's a peek at what's up for bids!  2017 Panini Prizm Gold Vinyl Patrick Mahomes II...

by Lauren Sisselman | August 19, 2023

ComicConnect is known for getting some of the best of the best when it comes to collectibles. Each year they sell millions in comics, comic art, and even cassettes, posters, VHS, and video games. These Event Auctions happen periodically through the year, and they're...

by Chris Severs | August 18, 2023

In the lush jungles of pop culture, one franchise stands as a towering, prehistoric giant: Jurassic Park. From its inception in the early '90s, this iconic film series has captivated audiences with its blend of awe, wonder, and spine-tingling excitement. But it's not just the movies...

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | August 14, 2023

The Goldin 100 auction features a historic Lionel Messi jersey from the first time he wore the number 10 for Barcelona at just 21 years old, a game-worn jersey from quarterback Joe Burrow’s 2023 Wild Card game, a...