ComicList: Image Comics New Releases for Wednesday, January 3, 2024, by Charles LePage.

Destiny Gate #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Christain DiBari & Simon Gough), $3.99
Destiny Gate #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Koi Turnbull & John Starr), $3.99
In Hell We Fight Volume 1 A Snowball's Chance TP (per Lunar Distribution), $14.99
Klik Klik Boom TP (per Lunar Distribution), $16.99
Love Everlasting #11 (Cover A Elsa Charretier), $3.99
Nights #4 (Cover A Luigi Formisano), $3.99
Normalman Fortieth Anniversary Omnibus HC (per Lunar Distribution), $49.99
Paklis #0 (Cover A Dustin Weaver), $5.99
Tales Of Syzpense #4 (Cover A Ashley Wood)(per Diamond Distribution), $4.99
Tales Of Syzpense #4 (Cover B Nelson Daniel)(per Diamond Distribution), $4.99
Tales Of Syzpense #4 (Cover C Nelson Daniel)(per Diamond Distribution), AR
Tales Of Syzpense #4 (Cover D Ashley Wood)(per Diamond Distribution), AR
Walking Dead Deluxe #80 (Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #80 (Cover B Charlie Adlard & Dave McCaig), $3.99
Walking Dead Deluxe #80 (Cover C Mateus Santolouco Connecting Variant), $3.99

PLEASE NOTE- not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Please let me know if any of this information is inaccurate. Use the ComicList Printable Checklist to create shopping list to use at your local comic book shop. Visit GoCollect and use their next-generation, near real-time comic book price guide. Subscribe to our New Releases Lists and The Comic Collective.

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