In a world overrun with demons, Archie Andrews is on a quest to cleanse Riverdale of all wicked-kind. Harnessing the destructive power of a captive fiend, he will have to destroy corrupted and possessed versions of the people closest to him. Questioning his own morality and forced to make difficult sacrifices, are Archie's efforts truly good, or the work of pure evil? Traverse the most horrifying version of Riverdale yet in the first Archie Premium Event.

Script: Aubrey Sitterson
Art: Megan Hutchison
Colors: Matt Herms
Letters: Jack Morelli
Cover: Megan Hutchison
Variant Covers: Francesco Francavilla, Jae Lee, Reiko Murakami
On Sale Date: 5/22
32-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S.