Wolverine will rock the yellow and blue in Deadpool 3, but that might not be the only costume in store for Hugh Jackman. 

Once again, Ryan Reynolds has set the comic book community ablaze. After months of rumors, he posted a photo to his Instagram account revealing Jackman wearing a comics-accurate bright yellow-and-blue Wolverine costume. 

Fans have been waiting 10 years for this. After The Wolverine got its at-home release, there was an alternate ending that teased Jackman donning the classic yellow-and-brown costume complete with pointy-eared mask.

After seeing Jackman in the yellow and blue, it begs to reason that we could see other outfits as well, and that will have collectors on the lookout for these key issues.

X-MEN, Vol. 2, #4

This has been a favorite issue for Omega Red’s first appearance, but now you’ve got a second reason to want X-Men #4.

In what would become Wolverine’s signature look for over two decades, thanks as much to X-Men: The Animated Series as anything, superstar artist Jim Lee gave Logan a makeover. Basically updating the original suit, Wolverine traded in the yellow and brown for the brighter yellow and blue. Since Marvel teamed with Toy Biz around this time for a line of X-Men figures, the move could have been made with younger audiences in mind. 


Only Wolverine could pull off a yellow, brown, and splash of red color combination and make it cool. Let’s be honest: this is the one we really want to see, and it first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #139. 

There’s no arguing that Wolverine’s popularity ushered the X-Men to the top of Marvel’s sales charts. Many fans point to the 1980s as Logan’s prime years, and he sported the iconic yellow and brown suit during that time. To this day, it’s the favorite costume for most Wolverine diehards, which would make seeing it on the silver screen a momentous occasion. 


Considering this is a Deadpool movie, I can’t imagine Reynolds and company missing the opportunity to poke fun at Wolverine’s old costumes. When it comes to his worst fashion choices, it’s hard to argue against the Fang suit. 

The origin story is a prime source of comedy in itself. In UXM #107, Wolverine’s costume was charred during an extraterrestrial fight. Not wanting to go into battle naked (as if he hasn’t done that plenty of times before), he beat up the Imperial Guard’s Fang and stole his clothes. Isn’t it fortunate that Wolverine happened to find someone that was his exact size deep in space? 


Since Deadpool 3’s plot centers on Wade, Logan, and the TVA, there’s a chance we could see Patch thanks to the Multiverse. While not quite an iconic costume, 1988’s Wolverine #1 saw Logan in his black gear complete with man-of-mystery eye patch. Why he needed to hinder his depth perception when that hair gives away his identity is beyond me. In fact, that could make for jokes almost as easy as the Fang look.


ZZ Top was right: the world does go crazy for a sharp-dressed man. Like any good MCU film, Deadpool 3 has inspired countless rumors of Multiversal cameos. When it comes to Wolverine, those costumes are cameos in themselves.

Before you get your hopes up that Logan will wear the yellow and blue throughout the entire movie, remember you’re dealing with Ryan Reynolds. Wolverine could be in costume simply for a quick joke. 

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.