"I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been."

This quote by Wayne Gretzky has been used by business professionals to have the foresight to be ahead of the curve based upon their business acumen. People who succeeded in making a ton on Amazon stock saw the vision of the company long before it was an actual success. That is the key to investing in stocks, real estate, and even collectibles.

The Force was with GoCollect

On September 15, 2022 this journalist recommended Star Wars: Tag & Bink II #2. This was a little known book that was more comedic than adventurous. The key element was that this book had the first appearance of Darth Plagueis. One of the most powerful Sith in history, this book was very significant and yet ignored. Savvy investors and smart collectors were going in on this book because of the low price point. They then waited. With one quick appearance this book is now being chased by many. They will pay more than this book could have been had for only a few years ago. People with that type of vision see a nice return on investment. Here are a few undervalued books that offers that same type of potential.

My Brother is a Mutant

Mutants are coming to the MCU. There are so many to use that it is hard to find a sleeper. Hard but not impossible. The Summers clan is entwined in mutant life. Scott and Alex have already appeared on the screen, but many forget Gabriel. An omega class mutant in his own right, this character has a lot of potential. While most mutant stories are grounded on this planet, his origin would allow for a much grander storyline. It would also allow for more emotions with the possibility of two brothers opposing each other in battle. Could the love for a sibling impact a decision that could end up costing another X-Men their life? X-Men: Deadly Genesis #1 has the first appearance of Vulcan. That issue is almost 20 years old and yet a 9.8 has an FMV of $70. Half that is grading costs!!!

Not the Happy Accidents and Tree Guy

Imagine having Michelangelo painting Superman. Not the turtle but the famous artist. That book would be worth a lot. Collectors and investors have many artists to choose from but one whose work has always been in demand is Alex Ross. His work could make a bad book popular. Batman: Harley Quinn #1 is not a bad book. It has the first appearance of Harley Quinn in DC Comics continuity that defines her origin. Many fans choose her actual first appearance in comics and yet this book is largely ignored. A 9.8 has a FMV of $500 but then the price drops to $210 for 9.6. A census review reveals there are roughly 3 times as many graded copies of Batman Adventures #12 than there are of this book. The price range shows this book is undervalued and presents a great opportunity to get in on a character's key by an outstanding artist that will only gain in popularity. Remember, do not go too far down on the grade because it would only destroy the eye appeal.

Big, Mean and Green

Movie appearances always seem to drive comic book values. Then one reviews Life with Archie #41 and Godzilla #1 and it destroys that hypothesis. Godzilla has appeared in 39 films and on so much merchandise over the decades. The creation is a cash cow and yet fans seem to turn their noses up at his comic book appearances. Many fans know of Godzilla #1 and yet a 9.8 has a current FMV of $450 when this article was written. That is so undervalued for a character that is identifiable worldwide. The fact that his actual first appearance in Life with Archie #41 has only 24 graded copies is inexcusable. A 7.5 has a FMV of ONLY $350. It is a one page cameo of him battling Mothra and yet fans show little interest in this book if they even know it exists. That is the true definition of undervalued.

Rhyming Pays Off

James Gunn is now in charge of the DC Comics film universe. He likes offbeat characters that offer him a perceived blank canvas to add his own personal touch. You can change Star-Lord's origin but not the murder of the Dark Knight's parents. That is what is so unique about Demon #1. This character was created by Jack Kirby. The King! He has a long history and yet many people are unaware of him. An actor like Sean Gunn (PS I hated his Maxwell Lord casting) could have had fun with the Etrigan side while bringing compassion and pain to the Jason Blood half. This character though is so ripe for a film portrayal that he has to appear in something James Gunn develops. This is also a Jack Kirby creation whose 9.4 copies still have an FMV of $500....do not sleep on this book or the next one....Drum Roll Please...

Wait... Then Run

Undervalued books may exist in many different price ranges. This last one is not for the faint of heart but yes, Incredible Hulk #181 is undervalued. He is THE X-Man. This is one Canadian that is identifiable to so many fans worldwide. This book has experienced some drops as have other comics recently because of the economy. Still, this book has also seen a slight uptick because of the blockbuster movie coming out. Years ago an LCS owner told anyone at the store to buy copies no matter what the grade. Most spurned his advice because the copies were so expensive. The price for a NM copies was $1500 at that time. Good luck finding a coverless book for that price even in Canadian dollars. This is a buy and hold book because in a few years one will see it only rise in value. The prices may experience a slight drop after the movie, but if one can find a copy they can afford......BUY IT!!!!


The key to finding an undervalued asset is uncovering the gunk and seeing what others miss. Gretzky had the ability to break down the game in his mind and wipe away everything so that he could see the play develop before it actually did. The same holds true with undervalued books.

One does not have to wait for an artist to die to realize how important their work is in comic book lore. A smart investor can also see how comics have a global impact and that a foreign property that has been americanized may hold value for people around the globe. Last there exists characters that have potential for expanding on what has already been presented that offers such a lower entry point that it would be foolish to bypass them.

Remember one has to get ahead of the curve to benefit it. Gretzky wanted to be where the puck would be not where it was. Buying properties already announced is like lunging for Gretzky after he has already moved on. He took risks but with his knowledge and experience those risks are minimized. The first appearance of Darth Plagueis, the Bloodstones, Varnae and other keys were all books recommended here based upon trying to be ahead of the curve. Books like these offered great potential with very little risk and that is what readers should be looking for in undervalued books.

Usually this is where a quote is placed to end the article but let's try something a little bit different. What is one book or key that people think is still undervalued? No price constraints, but one book that people think the majority of fans are just missing out on. A key that an investor should buy now to see a profit or a collector should buy now to avoid paying a premium later.