Metamorpho is the talk of the collecting world, and his key issues are all the rage after the latest Superman: Legacy news. 

It’s a hot market for all things Metamorpho. First introduced as the Element Man in 1964, Rex Mason had a familiar origin story. Working as an adventurer, he was hired to retrieve an Ancient Egyptian artifact. The trouble was Rex had been dating his boss’ daughter, and that nearly got him killed. In a case of taking things too far, Simon Stagg had his guards leave Rex to die inside an ancient tomb. There, he was exposed to a radioactive meteorite. The attempted murder gave Rex the power to shapeshift and change himself into any element.

Over the years, Metamorpho has appeared in different mediums, most notably the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series. After decades of waiting, he will finally appear in movie theaters after James Gunn announced that Anthony Carrigan will play the character in Superman: Legacy. That has caused a wave of interest in these key issues.


As soon as Metamorpho was announced for Legacy, buyers were on the trail of The Brave and the Bold #57. This Silver Age classic marked the character’s first appearance, and he just so happens to be on the cover as well, which is always an added bonus.

It’s easily the most popular of all his key issues, so expect inflated prices for the foreseeable future.


Up until this point, Metamorpho: The Element Man #1 had gone widely overlooked by most collectors. Generally speaking, he hasn’t had much of a following, so buyers weren’t inspired to grab his keys. Now that he is getting his moment on the silver screen, the Element Man’s first self-titled series will be much more appealing.

Next to the debut appearance, those solo titles have become profitable additions to any collection, and that makes 1965’s Metamorpho #1 a great pickup.


Breaking down Metamorpho’s key issues, it would be fitting for him to be included in the Brave and the Bold movie. DC’s editors used the series to showcase new characters and teams to test the waters with readers. Here we have one of Metamorpho joining Batman, Black Lightning, Katana (who made her debut in this issue), Halo, and Geoforce to form The Outsiders.

Thanks to the Batman: The Brave and the Bold cartoon, a generation of fans see Metamorpho as an Outsider. Considering The Brave and the Bold stars Batman, this team could be forming.


Adding Metamorpho to a cast that already includes Mister Terrific has collectors thinking The Terrifics. At first glance, they seem like DC’s answer to Marvel’s First Family, The Fantastic Four. Debuting five years ago in The Terrifics #1, the titular hero leads the unlikely team of Plastic Man, Phantom Girl, and Metamorpho. Since half the group will appear in Superman: Legacy, it’s easy to assume we’ll see The Terrifics on the screen. 


The Superman: Legacy cast is taking shape, and there are more announcements to come. After all, Gunn has yet to name the movie’s primary antagonist for the Man of Steel. Who knows? Superman could be battling a team like The Outsiders before they join Batman in Brave and the Bold

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.