Just when Naomi had been written off as a flash in the pan, DCEU rumors have rejuvenated interest in her first appearance. With five Naomi #1 covers to choose from, which one has the most profitable potential?


The story making the rounds is that Ava DuVernay is the force behind a Naomi television series adaptation. Although the New Gods front has been ominously quiet for the better part of a year now, she is still tied to directing that movie and co-writing the script with DC Comics superstar writer Tom King. 


Created by the polarizing Brian Michael Bendis and David F. Walker, Naomi McDuffie is a superpowered teenager from an alternate Earth. She was sent away from her homeworld to escape Zumbado, a godlike being who conquered Naomi’s Earth. 


Naomi made her debut in 2019’s Naomi #1. Considering this was the first issue of a new series along with a character’s first appearance, there is a host of cover art to go around. It also went to three printings, so there are several issues to choose from. Take a look at the current market for all five editions.


The standard edition has been the most popular among collectors. Last year, the 9.8 averaged $167, but interest soon died down. Over the past 12 months, that 9.8 has sold 123 times for an average of $123 in that span. However, the live-action news has pushed values toward that 2019 fair market value. For the past 90 days, it has an FMV of $137 and last sold for $150 in November.





This appears to be the rarest of all the Naomi #1s. CGC has just 13 graded copies listed in its census data, 10 of which are 9.8s and three 9.6s. Just one graded 9.8 has been purchased online this year, and it was for $75 in April. The 9.6, on the other hand, brought $85 a month later. With the rarity of this convention edition, it is safe to say those numbers will go nuclear very soon.





Next to the standard cover, the variant edition has been the second-best seller, trading hands 60 times this year. The 9.8 has earned a 90-day FMV of $129. Since the live-action story broke, four copies sold for $200 to tie for a new record high sale.






Those subsequent printings are a gold mine in today’s market, and the second printing of Naomi #1 has turned the biggest profit. While only seven graded 9.8 copies have sold online this year, they have a 90-day average of $137. December 5 saw two copies reach a new record of $185 each. 






Compared to a year ago, the third print has experienced the biggest gains in value. 

In 2019, there were 19 graded 9.8s that were bought online. They averaged just $27, and none sold for more than $57. All the way to December 2 of this year, things looked the same, with the third print capping at $50. 

Then a Christmas miracle happened, and on December 4, two copies eclipsed the previous high. The first 9.8 brought $125 before the second set a new record after a $140 sale. That gives it a 90-day average of $78.


How quickly things change. Earlier this year, Naomi #1 was my cautionary tale of not paying inflated prices for first appearances. For a while, that was true, but this is once again a hot comic.

Until casting and filming begin, nothing is certain in Hollywood. However, this appears to be a done deal. That will hike prices for Naomi #1 back to values from the first of last year. If you are going to invest without paying those inflated prices, it may already be too late.