The theme of the Negative Space variants has begun to spread. Giving collectors of this niche some more books to be on the lookout for. We saw the beginning in 2012 when Amazing Spider-Man 679.1 knocked it out of the park. And then again with Champions #1, and Black Panther #1 in 2016, showcasing just how cool these variants can be. Finally, the start of the Negative Space Wave began this year with Wolverine #1.
Now with regular releases getting back on track, we are seeing more of these very cool variants coming out. As with any niche cover, knowledge is half the battle. If you don't know what's out there, you can't collect it. So let's dive right into some nice Negative Space variants.
Batman #100 (Stadium Comics Exclusive)
The third volume of the Batman series has hit its 100th issue, and with it has come a bevy of variants to delight any collector. One of those variants is the Stadium Comics Negative Space variant. Exclusive to their store, this variant is set to come out and ship on October 20th.
This variant looks great and really highlights the ability negative space drawings can have. Unlike most others, this negative space-variant has art and background outside of the cover character. You can see the buildings and lights from the street below on this cover, which helps make it stand out in my opinion. I also think it's cool to note that this cover is done by Jamal Campbell, while the others are John Tyler Christopher.
There are two really good reasons to pick this cover up, regardless of if you collect this type of cover. The first is that this cover is limited to 2500 copies, which is a solid low print number. The second is that this issue is said to be the first sighting of Ghost-Maker, the newest Batman villain to arrive in Gotham.
Star Wars #7 JTC Variant
This variant sold out in half an hour of it's postponed release. Set to come out at the 2020 NYCC, this variant was delayed and moved to December 20th instead. It became available on the ReedPop website for a pre-order and was gone almost immediately. With this stunning orange background, it's really not hard to see why.
Initially, a $25 dollar purchase, copies are now only available near the $100 range. And it has been selling rather well at that price. That gives us a clue about the overall demand for this issue. So, if you are in the market for this variant, there is no shortage of availability at the moment.
This cover is limited to 4000 copies. Which is pretty good in terms of print scarcity, but not quite small enough to force a larger bottleneck. There is still room for some growth on this book, and it's definitely a pick up for collectors of this niche.
Amazing Spider-Man: Sins of Norman Osborne #1
Another killer cover, ASM: SONO #1 was another variant that was delayed this year. Originally intended as a convention exclusive, this variant was released in September on the ReedPop website as well. Again, this was a popular pick and was gone very quickly. You can now find this cover for about $200, which is a huge hike from its original $25 price tag.
It's really not a surprise that it hit the popularity market so quickly though. Once again, these negative space covers are incredible. And this one being Spider-Man made it even more desirable. Especially since the blue parts of the suit are just so well-drawn, and the eyes look awesome against that red background.
Just like Star Wars, this was limited to just 4000 copies. There are a number of sellers with one they want to go, though some are as high as $350. So, the range in which they are available does vary quite a bit. With no graded slabs on the market at the moment, looking at the condition of those raw books is going to be even more important.
Strikeforce #1 NYCC Variant
I wanted to give the 2019 NYCC exclusive variant for Strikeforce #1 an honorable mention here. This cover is really over the top in terms of how creative you can get with this cover style. It not only draws your attention from afar, but it highlights all the finer details it contains as well.
I think it's the way her hands are pushing against the sides of the page, but you can't quite see her arms, that kind of plays a trick on the eye, making her look like she's literally popping out of the page. Not to mention how well the yellow parts of her suit contrast the background. It's just an all-over winner.
Clocking about $150, this cover is just starting to slow down. A 9.6 recently sold for just over $100, so this could be good if you've been waiting on this cover. This variant was limited to only 2000 copies, so there is less than half the available number as the above Spider-Man negative space-variant.
Final Remarks:
There is absolutely a reason these covers have been in demand so quick. They look unique and are so visually appealing that you can't help but look at them at length. This certainly speaks to why this column of collectors is becoming so big. Even if you're not enamored with this style of cover, there is still a place for them in your collection.