The cancelation of The Punisher on Netflix last February after a strong first season and an adequate second season was a disappointment to Punisher fans everywhere. The Punisher first appeared in Marvel during the Bronze Age in Amazing Spider-Man #129. His key comic book is considered by many to be a top Bronze Age book, second only to Wolverines first appearance in Incredible Hulk #181. The effect of a canceled series has been short-term detrimental to Amazing Spider-Man #129. It seems like our collective punishment will never end for this anti-hero to end all anti-heroes.

Amazing Spider-Man #129

The Punisher first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #129 by Marvel Comics on January 31, 1974. Since then he has taken out 100's maybe 1000's of criminals, henchmen, and provocateurs in an alternate reality he even killed the entire Marvel Universe. This is one busy anti-hero. He was created by Gerry Conway (script) and Gil Kane, Ross Adru (pencils). The Bronze Age ushered in these anti-heroes as the public appetite for vengeance against the supervillains was unquenched. Now forty plus years later this is a major key of the Bronze Age. As I mentioned earlier the Netflix show The Punisher was canceled and the fallout has been as unpleasant as a recoil from a Desert Eagle pistol. What are the short-term impacts to this key from a popular show cancelation?

Amazing Spider-Man #129

Short-Term Returns ( 60 days):

  • Grade 9.8 $13,500 FMV returns negative -3.6%
  • Grade 9.2 $2450 FMV returns negative -6%
  • Grade 8.0 $1300 FMV returns negative -2.6%
  • Grade 6.5 $825 FMV returns negative -8.5%
  • Grade 5.0 $675 FMV returns negative  -9.4%
  • Grade 3.5 $525 FMV returns negative -25.5%

The "Amazing" thing about these returns is the stark consistency. I don't expect the results to be positive after three years of buildup for this key based off the TV show. Now, the cancelation was abrupt, and I think what is happening here is most of the folks in the speculation biz know there will be a drop in this key due to the abrupt termination. Therefore, it makes sense that speculators everywhere are selling at a highpoint over the last two or three months. Further, I honestly see this as a temporary setback as this is a great key to own even well before the MCU was created back in 2009. Hang in there with the Punisher you can never go wrong this key is the top two or three keys for the Bronze Age; if you have to bet on someone to win bet on The Punisher and Amazing Spider-Man #129.


Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe #1

This was a fun little jaunt about Punisher wiping out everyone in the Marvel Universe. Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe #1 was created back in 1995 by Garth Ennis (script) and Nick Percival with Dougie Braithwaite (pencils), there was also a huge team of inkers on this project to name a few: Percival, Riggs, Halbleib, Hardy, and Griffith, etc... The reception for this book was positive buying it creates the same kind of perverse satisfaction as watching the short video Bambi vs. Godzilla; you know it is ridiculous but you can't help but check it out. Does this relatively bizarre one-shot have potential as speculation or even an investment?




Short-Term Return ( 1-year):

  • Grade 9.8 $120 FMV returned negative -27.2%
  • Grade 9.6 $60 FMV returned positive +17.3%
  • Grade 9.0 $48 FMV returned negative  -7.3%
  • Grade 8.0 $28 FMV returned positive n/a

Looks like Amazing Spider-Man #129 in the short-term comes up both barrels empty. The first appearance has taken a hit over the last two months. Even the "tongue in cheek" killing the universe is losing money. However, one thing we should not do is count The Punisher out. The returns long-term for Amazing Spider-Man #129 are as solid as Frank Castles quads, give it two years with any possible talk of movie or series and The Punisher is back in black.