The story of Icarus is one of overreach that can be applied throughout life. Icarus was given wings by his father Daedalus to escape to Sicily. He was warned not to soar too high into the heavens. Icarus did not heed his father's warning. He flew close to the sun and his wings melted, sending him hurtling into the sea and to his death. Jack Kirby used this myth as a background for his superhero Ikaris (leader) of the Eternals. Now, after many years in the dollar bin, The Eternals #1 finally has some movie buzz. The heat has been turned up on this comic significantly. Disney has confirmed a possible movie deal and rumor has Angelina Jolie vying for a role. How will this impact their first appearance in the comic book The Eternals #1?

The Eternals #1

Obviously with the production of an Eternals movie the impact on the comic has been positive. The Eternals #1 were created by Jack Kirby he did the script, pencils and the editing in 1976. The concept of Eternals is similar to the "Ancient Astronaut" a theory many UFO geeks espouse. Basically, space aliens have made contact with humans in prehistoric times and contributed tech, culture and even biology to modern humans. The Eternals have a similar theme; a race called the Celestials visited Earth in prehistoric times and created The Eternals and their arch-rivals the evil Deviants. This confluence of events also led to humanity generating mutations in people (superpowered beings like the X-Men). Each of the Eternals is almost immortal and possess superpowers to boot. Can Kirby's creation still find resonance with modern audiences and how does that impact the value of The Eternals #1?

The Eternals #1

Long-Term Trends:

  • Grade 9.8 $1150 FMV positive returns +92.3%
  • Grade 9.6 $375 FMV positive returns +71.3%
  • Grade 6.5 $90 FMV positive returns +67.3%
  • Grade 4.0 $44 FMV positive returns +321.4%!!!

Eternals #1 is profitable long-term with exceptional numbers. Check out that +321.4% yikes what a skew!  A positive trend to look for while speculating in comic books is when the lower keys participate. This hints at the popularity of this issue. People want it and are willing to pay even in lower grades. When the lower grades participate in a run-up; prepare for more price increases in the future. Such is the case for Eternals #1.

My Aunt Christina was ahead of the pack on this purchase. She sent me two links one of which I will share here *. Please respond on GoCollect's Facebook page with your thoughts on Eternals #1 and potential for a Disney movie deal. Aunt Chris (that is aunt, not ant) has liked this comic book as an investment for a while now; even before it was posting "Celestial" returns. I think she may be onto something.

If you like this investment then you should probably also buy Eternals #3. This comic is the first appearance of Sersi a character who is supposed to appear in a possible Eternals movie. This book has great potential as well and has already skyrocketed. Current price grade 9.8 is $700 FMV with positive +76.1% trend return. If the price tag is offputting try $62 for a very fine minus grade 7.5. ultimately a small risk for a positive 7% return.

Ultimately, I can't imagine how they pull off a good show with an Eternals movie. Regards, The Eternals #1 my advice is to avoid the aftermath of what is probably going to be a bad movie. Then you need to sell The Eternals #1 a month before it opens on the big screen. Aunt Christina is already in the money, as am I. Don't get greedy or brazen and plummet to Earth like poor Icarus, buy now and sell prior to opening night.