Namor's silver age keys have been climbing for the past year thanks to endless movie rumors, and now there's a new crop of speculation and fan theories that are driving prices even higher. Here are your top sellers.

For years, fans have demanded a Submariner movie. When DC first brought Aquaman to life in Justice League, Marvel die hards were even more determined to see their deep-sea superstar on the big screen. That has spurred rumors that he would join the MCU since the early days. Now those millings have reached a peak.

The latest speculation is that Namor will be the main antagonist for T'Challa in Black Panther 2. This comes on the heels of the fan theory that Atlantis was alluded to in Endgame, which Screenrant breaks down on their site. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen Endgame, so click the link if you aren't familiar. At any rate, the theory has not been confirmed by Marvel, but it does lend itself to great food for thought, and Namor would be a great addition to the MCU.





If the Submariner were added to Black Panther 2, it would make for a great plot. Throughout his comic past, Namor has been both hero and villain, and he and Black Panther have a storied rivalry. But here's the problem with Namor coming to the MCU: his rights are as complicated as nuclear physics.

There is so much red tape involved that Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige has said he didn't know when Submariner would find his way into the MCU. That being said, the Endgame allusion may have been intentional, but it's highly doubtful that it was anymore than an Easter egg at this point. Unfortunately, Namor won't be appearing in any Marvel films anytime soon unless Disney can navigate the maze that is Submariner's character rights.

That doesn't mean collectors have backed off their quests for Namor's silver age keys. Here is the state of the market for the big three.



The Submariner returned to comics in FF #4, hatching a scheme to kidnap the Invisible Woman.

With the infinite Namor movie rumors come higher prices for his first silver age appearance. All grades sold in the past year have increased on average. In the past 90 days, some have jumped by more than three times their 2017 numbers. Take the 5.5 for instance. Two years ago, it commanded a respectable $1,335. In the past 90 days, it's averaged $4,526, and it's still rising. Even an incomplete 0.5 is averaging over $600, and the last sale was for $770. Back in 2017, you could have added that same grade to your collection for $180.




As you look for Namor's keys, this key silver age appearance from December 1962 is a must have. Once again, the Submariner is the antagonist to the Fantastic Four.

FF Annual #1 has been doing well. Over the past 90 days, only one grade (the 4.5) is down compared to the 12-month average. Keep in mind, the 4.5's 90-day average is still $200, and that's only $7 off the 12-month fair market value. For perspective, it averaged $92 in 2017.




SUB-MARINER #1 (1968)

Out of all the comics on today's wish list, Namor's first self-titled, silver age solo series (bonus points for the epic alliteration) has been the biggest seller. It's not his first series as he starred in Timely's Sub-Mariner Comics from 1941-1955, but this is by far the more popular.

Since last year, every universal grade sold has increased in FMV. In the case of the 9.2, its average has doubled in two years, going from $486 in 2017 to a 90-day average of $1,080. Even the 3.5, which is the lowest grade that has sold in the past three months, has jumped from a $79 FMV in 2017 to a 90-day FMV of $182. Last month, one sold for $225.