Space is all the rage nowadays, I attribute it to the success of Guardians of the Galaxy. After all, like James Gunn, or hate James Gunn he created two good movies. I might even go so far as to say great movies from a sci-fi standpoint. Both were space saga's done right, that is; a potential area of interest for Disney's newest acquisition: the Fantastic Four. What could be more cosmic than the Silver Surfer and Galactus? Better yet, does it get more space-centric than Captain Marvel and the first appearance of Carol Danvers not to mention a first Negative Zone appearance? The fans certainly don't think so. Right now the top three books have space as the frontier for a setting. No, I am not talking about that awful Rick Moranis movie Spaceballs from the 80s. Can the space going FF catch fire at Marvel and become a space epic; perhaps even a loadstone for Phase 4?

Fantastic Four #52

The Black Panther is probably one of the cooler heroes out there. This book was saught after well before the movie. It is one of those key books that even without movie hype would still rise like bread in the oven. The Black Panther's first appearance was Fantastic Four #52. This character was created by the team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Last month this comic scored the third most popular comic book for the Silver Age. What kind of return trends can we expect?

  • Grade 9.2 $9000 FMV returns positive +168%
  • Grade 6.2 $925 FMV returns positive +35.7%
  • Grade 2.0 $290 FMV returns positive +46.4%

As I have often mentioned when the lower grades participate in a price swing get ready for increases across the grades. Yes, the high-end stuff looks interesting but the lower-grades have better returns for the risk. Fantastic Four #52 is one of those keys you simply buy and hold. It has, and will continue to go up in value. The biggest catalyst for this book is a Black Panther 2 which is slated to happen and will drive these prices "straight to the moon Alice!"

Marvel Super-Heroes #13

This is the second appearance of Captain Marvel and the first appearance of Carol Danvers. This key issue had all bigger names in it Lee, Romita, Kirby, Simon, etc. Who knows who really created this character? The inking team alone must have been a nightmare to manage. Marvel Super-Heroes #13 has currently staked out second place in the Silver Age. With no movie catalyst to destroy the fan base, the actress is quiet as the grave. This key for Captain Marvel is obviously catching on, will it hold with time? My guess is this book will decline in value unless there is another stand-alone Captain Marvel. If I was running Disney that is the last sequel I would be thinking of making. Bob Iger is brilliant and drives the House of Mouse like a four-wheel drive over the competition. As long as he is at the helm; I think Captain Marvel will have only appearances no stand-alone movie. This is an opinion, not a fact.


  • Grade 9.2 $5500 FMV returns positive +209.5%
  • Grade 6.5 $600 FMV returns negative -7%
  • Grade 2.0 $140 FMV returns positive +145.9%

Fantastic Four #48

The Silver Surfer done right could be another huge hit for Marvel. Fox tried and abysmally failed to bring the FF franchise to life. But the House of Mouse usually does not fail. Bet on Galactus and more importantly bet on the Silver Surfer, after all, can the fans be wrong? Better yet, place your bet on Iger to succeed he usually does.

  • Grade 9.2 $7750 FMV returns positive +181.2%
  • Grade 6.5 $1850 FMV returns positive +161.7%
  • Grade 2.0 $450 FMV returns positive +28.1%

There is a reason so many people like the Silver Surfer, he is cool. But he is also profitable, very. "By the Power Cosmic..." this is the book to own going into the next decade.