It seems like some comics are underrated in value after the next best thing appears on the market. Every age of comics has a "golden oldies" section so to speak. The comics that either created interesting new characters, fresh starts, or simply were popular for a time and then fell off the map. The Modern, Bronze, and Silver Age of comics all have something to offer. These are my picks for underrated comics that fell off the map and are worth owning.

Batman #1 by Greg Capullo just struck me when I first noticed it on the wall of my local comic retailer. The frenetic nature of the art, the bold sweep of Batman as he beats down on a horde of villains, the color scheme, but most especially the cool lettering for this volume two, number one book. Back then it was surging all over the place. I knew given time it would slow, stall, and drop in price. The Modern Age books of the last twenty years tend to do that dance. Eventually, I found my treasure in a discount store for a reasonable price. In addition, I like Avengers #196 and Sub-Mariner #1. All three of these books have been forgotten at one time or another. Can we make some money off these possibly underrated comics?

Short-Term Results (1 yr):

  • Grade 9.8 $110 FMV with negative return -13.5%
  • Grade 9.6 $ FMV with positive return +42.2%
  • Grade 8.0 $24 FMV with positive results +11.1%

Batman #1 (Capullo) Summary:

This is one of those forgotten books that have significant value and probably many of you already own it. Batman #1 Capullo has seen its dark days, going forward the return should be positive, and it is a big key, the first book on the second volume of Batman. Rating: Buy and Hold

Avengers #196

My favorite Marvel character is the Taskmaster. I have written about him many times over the last few years. There is something about skill based characters still being viable in a super-powered world that is just fun. Taskmaster appeared in Avengers #196 this was his first full appearance the comic created by David Michelinie with Kurt Busiek (script) and the team of George Perez, Sal Buscema, with Dick Giordano (pencils). I knew long ago that they would use this character. Why? Because what could be cooler than having one dude with the power of most of the Avengers take on those same superheroes with their own abilities? Answer: The Taskmaster. Does this book have the firepower to punch above its weight and be worth serious money?



Short-Term Results:

  • Grade 9.8 $1150 FMV with positive return +17.8%
  • Grade 9.2 $270 FMV with positive return +31.4%
  • Grade 8.0 $160 FMV with positive return +47%
  • Grade 6.5 $65 FMV with positive return +48.8%
  • Grade 5.5 $60 FMV with positive return +10.9%

Taskmaster Summary:

The Taskmaster has just used its booster rockets to launch out of the atmosphere, but there is still plenty more fuel in the tank for a roundtrip to Mars. Avengers #196 has one of the best things going for it; a catalyst. There has been heavy internet noise about Taskmaster appearing in the Black Widow movie as a Widow nemesis. Rating: Buy 

Sub-Mariner #1

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life" (Chinese Proverb, yep Google it). However, buy that same man a Sub-Mariner #1 and he is stuck with a forgotten title that has (until recently) had fishy results. Sub-Mariner #1 was created by Roy Thomas (writing) and John Buscema (art). It represents the first Silver Age Namor origin and the first Silver Age series. It was created in 1968 and has over its existence been mired in ownership battles about the rights to this sea sovereign. Prince Namor has his first real appearance in the Silver Age in Fantastic Four #4 but that has already been gobbled up and is quite pricey for what you get. Can this Prince of the Seas permeate profits?



Long-Term Results:

  • Grade 9.8 $4800 FMV with a positive return of +95.4%
  • Grade 9.2 $800 FMV with positive return of +73.2%
  • Grade 8.0 $300 FMV with positive return of +87.7%
  • Grade 6.0 $160 FMV with positive return of +52.2%
  • Grade 4.0 $95 FMV with positive return of +10.5%

Sub-Mariner Summary:

The Sub-Mariner has been around a long time in comics. It is only fitting that he finds his time in the sun. Besides all the overlooked Marvel keys from the Silver Age, this one is truly a should have been. The long-term trends are positive, the ownership rights are starting to gel according to some news reports, the time is right for Sub-Mariner #1. Rating: Buy and Hold