Author: Lauren Sisselman

by Lauren Sisselman | December 19, 2021

Collectible comics and video games might be a great gift for some (or even yourself), but what about everyone else on your nerdy nice list? We've found five unique and nerdy gifts perfect for everyone in between. After all, who said you need to break the bank...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 17, 2021

We are a week away from Christmas, which means now is the time to finish up your last-minute shopping! Still on the hunt for that one thing no one else has? Just want to get yourself something awesome for making it through another year? We hear...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 14, 2021

We're down to the final 11 days before Christmas! It's crazy to think about it -- it feels like summer was just yesterday. But with the holiday season comes the last big event auctions at our favorite auction houses. We're going to take a look at what...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 10, 2021

The weather outside is frightful, but these auctions are so delightful! Imagine curling up by the fireplace, all snug in a big blanket, with your favorite video game loaded into your console of choice. Surrounding you are your favorite collectible video games, displayed proudly for only a...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 7, 2021

Happy December, GoCollect readers! It's hard to believe we're almost at the end of the year. Are you still doing some holiday shopping? Need the perfect gift for yourself? Bored and need something new to read? Then today is your lucky day! We're going to take...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 6, 2021

Heritage Auction House is an auction site most of us know very well by now. Known for getting some of the hardest collectibles and high-end items, Heritage continuously commands high dollar amounts in the collectors market. But did its much-hyped Promise Collection live up to the buzz...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 3, 2021

The holidays are finally here, and the gift-giving season is now in full swing! Need something to impress a loved one? Want to build your possible niche wrestling, board game, or Christmas-themed collection? Look no further, we're here to show you some of the most interesting collectible...

by Lauren Sisselman | December 2, 2021

Welcome back to Collecting 101 -- CGC Edition! Today I'll be walking you through the different CGC labels and what they mean. All of those colors, and sometimes they even combine colors! Each color label does encompass all comic book eras, starting with...

by Lauren Sisselman | November 30, 2021

Happy post-Thanksgiving, GoCollect readers! Can you believe the holiday season is officially underway? Time to get gifts or investments to the people you love the most -- even if that person is you (we won't judge). We're going to take a look at what Comic Connect and...

by Lauren Sisselman | November 26, 2021

Are you looking to expand your video game collection this holiday season? Need a gift for someone special? Interested in diversifying your investments? Look no further, we're here to show you some of the best collectible and investment pieces in the video game auction scene! This week we're...