Author: Mike W

by Mike W | July 21, 2021

It appears the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is undergoing a transition with the characters going forward. Specifically, the transition that I am referring to introduces more diverse characters. The intention is to showcase other characters of different ethnic backgrounds and gender. One current example of comic gender-swaps...

by Mike W | July 18, 2021

The meaning of "comic speculation fails" is exactly how it sounds. A collector picks up the book with the intent to hold it and hopes the book rises in value in the near future. The rise in value can be attributed to factors such as a book...

by Mike W | July 16, 2021

I want to look at a couple of books that have the potential to explode to the next level. Might it be Shazam#1? Thor #337?  The question is, which book has the highest potential going forward? Comic speculating is at an all-time high nowadays as books are...

by Mike W | July 13, 2021

Earlier this month, Marvel Studios confirmed a sequel movie to Captain Marvel. The movie is titled, The Marvels and it is slated for November 11, 2022. There are many important details and rumors concerning this movie that fans and collectors should be aware of. In addition, I...

by Mike W | July 9, 2021

There are many questions concerning which persona of Supergirl might show up on the big screen. Below are some sneaky guesses and different versions of this character that might be worth checking out. The DC Extended Universe (DCEU) is making strides in building Supergirl's movie and television...

by Mike W | May 28, 2021

Marvel is notorious for reprinting highly sought and valuable comics that notate the first appearance of characters. Though, during that time, many of these Marvel superheroes did not have the popularity when they made their debut in the 1960s. Below is a very important key issue...

by Mike W | May 26, 2021

The current comic age we are in is known as the "Modern Age". We will dive into the specifics of the Modern Age and pose this one question- Isn't it time for us to be entering a new comic age? Know Your Age! The revolution and history...

by Mike W | May 18, 2021

Marvel Studios once again has allowed fans to keep them guessing as we continue towards the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The introduction of the alien race, the Skrulls,  in the latest current live-action Captain Marvel movie starring Brie Larson has sparked many different storylines....

by Mike W | May 11, 2021

Heroes cannot exist without their villain counterparts. Below are examples of some interesting villain team-ups that took place that you might have never heard of. One revolving door in the movie world for comics is superhero team-ups. As presented currently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the...

by Mike W | April 29, 2021

Independent comic publishers such as Image Comics, BOOM! Studios, Bad Idea, and others have been gaining traction amongst fans and collectors for years now. Especially during the Modern Age of Comics, where their titles are having the ability to be adapted to a television show or movie....