Author: $Rico$

by $Rico$ | November 21, 2020

A lot of sales are happening each and every week in our hobby.  The only time where comic book sales are recorded for the public to take notice happens during online sales. In-person comic shop or Comic-Con sales are rarely recorded on 3rd party websites.  So this...

by $Rico$ | October 21, 2020

It is without question that one of the hottest comic book series in our hobby is Amazing Spider-man, from the 1963 1st volume series.  There are so many key issues in that series let alone minor key issues and issues that haven’t yet received the attention they...

by $Rico$ | September 30, 2020

Another great experience at a “small” comic con.  And what do we find at comic cons? Dollar comic books.  If you are any type of comic book collector you spend your fair share of time digging in long boxes full of dollar comic books.  Sometimes we...

by $Rico$ | September 16, 2020

If you’re a collector you almost always have to consistently watch current market conditions and stay abreast of changes that could affect your collection.  It is not hard for one to notice the amazing sales that continue to happen in our hobby each and every week. ...

by $Rico$ | September 14, 2020

Greetings comic book collectors and enthusiasts.  After my last article on comic book pressers, I only felt it would be right to highlight some additional people who press (and restore) comics regularly.  Thank you to all the people who commented on the Best Pressers in...

by $Rico$ | August 14, 2020

If you’re anything like me, the first thing you do in January is mark your calendar with all the Comic-Cons you want to attend and all the Cons you are just thinking about going to for the year; both big and small.  That’s what we...

by $Rico$ | July 23, 2020

If you collect comic books, you have heard about the art (and science) of pressing comic books.  This is the act of taking a comic book that has existing wrinkles, folds, creases, waviness, non-color breaking ticks or damaged in a way that makes the comic book no...

by $Rico$ | July 12, 2020

If you are any type of comic book collector you spent your fair share of time digging in longbox after longbox full of comic books; both the back issue bins and the dollar bins for that matter. We purposely look through the longboxes to find missing issues...

by $Rico$ | June 25, 2020

A 1990’s comic book series that needs no introduction, a title we all should know but many people may not since it was first introduced almost 30 years ago - a true classic.  I decided to showcase the Bone comic book series this week due to the...

by $Rico$ | June 25, 2020

If you’re a collector it is hard to not notice the amazing sales that continue to happen in our hobby each and every week.  The experience as a seller can be of much jubilation as prices continue to soar higher and higher for any given key. ...