Category: Key Issues

by Doug Ohlandt | September 13, 2024

Welcome to the first blog about the Fantastic Four CPI! We here at GoCollect are thrilled to introduce this brand-new feature in our Collectible Price Indexes. And this is just the start! 

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by Matt Tuck | December 1, 2020

  Swamp Thing #37 is not the only John Constantine key worth collecting, and these four issues will help you stay under budget. Constantine is on the lips of many collectors

by Norman Robinson | November 30, 2020

The Bronze Age, as usual, has some odd picks this month for the three most popular comic books. From symbiotes to solo books to movie adaptations, the generation that gave us Disco and Evil Knievel keeps the hits coming with combinations of creativity....

by James Jou | November 30, 2020

One of the latest Disney+ news to make waves (or at least a ripple) in the comic book market is neither of the usual suspects of Star Wars or Marvel, but rather the caped crusader known as Darkwing Duck.  With rumors and news...

by Peter Daddone | November 28, 2020

[caption id="attachment_89031" align="alignleft" width="201"] Amazing Spider-Man 129 cover by Ross Andru and John Romita, Sr.[/caption] Calculating when to go after your comic Holy Grail is not an easy task.  I'm using my anxiety rocks and I'm only writing about...

by Norman Robinson | November 28, 2020

Investing in comics is kind of like taking the Log Ride at Disney. It is fun, full of twists and turns, ultimately harmless and in the end, it is a 50/50 chance whether you get drenched during the log drop. That is to...

by $Rico$ | November 25, 2020

So there is a comic book phenomenon taking over the hobby in case you haven’t noticed.  One can’t help but notice as there are amazing sales that are happening each and every week for “key” comic books regardless of comic book age.  What I am about to...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 25, 2020

Here at GoCollect, we have a diverse group of writers whose articles are based upon each writer's personal beliefs and experiences.  In reading Daniel Hatch's Comic "Investing Pitfalls to Avoid" I had to write because my experiences have been somewhat different. Prosecutor versus...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | November 24, 2020

For years, rumors of a Kraven movie persisted and fans demanded they come to fruition. With the announcement of a Kraven project by Sony this past August, it looks like they will finally get their wish. The Kraven's Last Hunt comics were some of...

by Matt Tuck | November 24, 2020

A new rumor has fueled speculation of a Constantine sequel, and that has DC’s favorite mystic trending in the collecting world. Peter Stormare, who played Lucifer 15 years ago, posted a picture of himself to social...

by Norman Robinson | November 24, 2020

Fantastic Four has been a staple of Marvel Comics going back to the '60s.  It seems like most Marvel fans back in the day were either Spidey fans or fans of the FF. I was a big FF fan. This was mostly by accident as I would...