Author: TheWolfOfYorkville

Harry is an attorney born and raised in Manhattan. His love for comics began as a kid while digging through dusty long boxes in Forbidden Planet's basement in Midtown and his primary focus is helping newcomers invest in overlooked and undervalued keys. He also collects street art and sneakers and loves anything Hip Hop related/New York-centric. Follow him on Insta below. Go Knicks!

by TheWolfOfYorkville | June 25, 2022

Welcome, fellow comic nerds. It's been way too long.  Today I will be debating about the upside to picking up Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man #90 over Secret Wars #8. My parents would be enthused to see I've taken my legal education to argue about comic...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | March 16, 2022

The majority of collectors agree that Spider-Man #1 is one of the most iconic comics of all time. Even the most casual Spidey fans recognize Todd McFarlane's classic cover and all of the variants that came with it. What many do not agree on and...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | March 8, 2022

The last few years have been a wild ride for the comic book market as even the most minor of keys experienced exponential growth. Have we reached an inflection point? All signs point to yes.  So what gives? Let's take a look at TMNT Adventures #1,...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | March 2, 2022

Whether you're a seasoned Moon Knight collector or a newfound fan, chances are you have been chasing down his major and more well-known keys in the past few years. We all know which books those are: Werewolf By Night #32,

by TheWolfOfYorkville | February 8, 2022

The Moon Knight trailer finally dropped and speculation is in a frenzy. Which villains and supporting cast of characters will we see on the Disney+ premiere? What baddies might we get in the years to come? Let's take a look at Moon Knight's colorful rogue...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | July 4, 2021

The obvious books to pick up with the Moon Knight series on the horizon would be Werewolf by Night #32 and Moon Knight #1, but with an average increase in FMV of 250% in the last year, the ship has most...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | April 29, 2021

I wrote an article 6 months ago titled "Collecting During Covid" where I warned of an impending speculative bubble in the comic book market.  Since then, the market hasn't imploded and, if anything, fair market values have skyrocketed. Many of you know I remain a naysayer...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | April 26, 2021

Welcome back to the Blogger Dome! Here, bloggers will argue different topics involving the comic book market and industry.  This will be a combination of the Big Bang Theory meets the WWE.  Smack talk mixed with comic book debates.  Bloggers going at each other...

by TheWolfOfYorkville | March 18, 2021

Recently, many Silver Age keys such as Daredevil #1, Silver Surfer #4, and

by TheWolfOfYorkville | March 17, 2021

Today is a good day to spotlight my favorite Irish-American character, Hitman Tommy Monaghan. Not only is Tommy of Irish heritage, but more importantly, he was created by two true-blooded Irishmen, Garth Ennis and John McCrea. Let's take a look at this fan-favorite series and see if...