Category: Nostalgia

by Peter Daddone | April 11, 2021

Welcome back to our third class in Sports Card Collecting and Speculation 101!  Sensing that there are some itches out there to pick up some sports cards RIGHT NOW, we are going to focus on our first set!  By the end...

by Joseph Overaitis | April 9, 2021

GoCollect is one of the leading sites for collecting.  One area that has never been touched upon is movie and television props.  I have used some props on set and also collect them.  Here is a beginner's guide to purchasing these types of items. 1. Provenance It...

by Mike W | April 6, 2021

It is common knowledge that not every beloved or notable character originated from the comics. There are many notable characters that have gained serious popularity on-screen before making their debut in the comic world. Meaning, characters such as Batman, Superman, and Iron Man all came derived and...

by Norman Robinson | April 4, 2021

This is one of those rare cases when a collectible is obviously very happy to see you. What? An inanimate object happy to see a collector, what the heck are you talking about? Obviously, I am referring to the infamous Star Wars "Error Card." Why is it...

by Matt Tuck | April 3, 2021

What do the Super Friends, Doctor Who, and a weird puppy-cat-thing have in common? Not much, but they were popular on eBay this week. It begs the question, who’s buying this stuff?! All you eBay buyers out there kept me busy this week....

by Peter Carriveau | April 1, 2021

As long as there have been video games, there have been terrible video games.  Games can be bad for a number of reasons. They can be offensive, poorly crafted, or lazily made. Some check off just one of those traits very well while others get a bit...

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | March 31, 2021

It is a guarantee that throughout this year, we will keep building up towards Zelda's 35th Anniversary. It seems that many of us are holding our breath and on the verge of passing out. When will The Legend of Zelda get more spotlight? It seems like all...

by dgagnon | March 30, 2021

Baron Zemo will reappear as the nemesis in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Disney series.  A quick glimpse of his signature purple mask hints at the possibility of him mirroring his comic persona.  What do we really know about this classic villain who has roots reaching...

by Norman Robinson | March 27, 2021

Hold onto your lightsabers folks, you about to enter a world that defies all logic: movie collectibles. There are few movie franchises as big as Star Wars. It has continued to have a huge impact on our pop culture over the past 40 years. The genre spawned...

by Casey Ashlock | March 26, 2021

Collecting baseball cards is about as normal as you can get. Because if life gets hectic, it’s nice knowing at the end of the day you can sit down with a pack of baseball cards and have a quiet moment thumbing through its contents. The simple act...