Deadpool 3 has the market cornered on rumors, and Sabretooth’s possible addition to the cast could signal a new team is coming to the MCU. 

At this point, can we just say that every character ever featured in one of Fox’s Marvel films is rumored for Deadpool 3? Actually, that wouldn’t cover the infinite gossip. Along with potential MCU characters gracing the screen, there’s been theories that casting scuttlebutt from the past will come to fruition with Channing Tatum and Taylor Swift making their X-Men debuts. 

Unless Ryan Reynolds and director Shawn Levy are planning a massive 30-second group picture with all those characters, there’s no chance we’ll see so many celebrity cameos. This being a Marvel movie, that’s become par for the course. However, the recent Liev Schreiber/Sabretooth theories are logical enough, and that tree could bear fruit. 

Besides Sabretooth being Wolverine’s most famous rival, there could be more to Victor Creed joining the Deadpool 3 cast than simply his tumultuous relationship with Logan. In fact, adding him to the story could mean that Wade Wilson is forming a new team.


First Appearance: Uncanny X-Force #1

When last we saw Deadpool, he put together an on-brand version of X-Force, a team with which he is synonymous. Although the group died spectacularly brutal deaths in Deadpool 2, Wolverine and Sabretooth could be joining a more violent X-Force.

The X-Force brand has undergone many changes over the decades. Originally the evolution of the New Mutants, Cable led Domino, Warpath, Shatterstar, Feral, Cannonball, and Boom Boom. In the early 2000s, the team took on a more comedic quality with characters like Doop and U-Go Girl. By 2008, the lineup shifted back to a more serious tone during the stellar “Messiah Complex” story. It led to perhaps the team’s best incarnation, 2010’s Uncanny X-Force.

Kicking off with the fantastic “Apocalypse Agenda,” Wolverine led X-Men assassins, namely Archangel, Psylocke, Deadpool, and Fantomex. The ending of Deadpool 2 saw Wade covered in ash, giving him the distinct black and gray UXF uniform. Since Deadpool and Wolverine are rocking comics-accurate costumes in the new movie, it stands to reason that we could see them sport their X-Force threads at some point.


First Appearance: Weapon X #22

When you have a movie starring Wolverine and Deadpool, there’s no getting away from the Weapon X implications. That extends to Sabretooth, who actually led his own brand of X-Force in 2018.

In what was more or less an updated version of Uncanny X-Force, Marvel put together a new unit of mostly former villains with no qualms about murder, dubbed Weapon X-Force. Instead of Wolverine taking point, he put Sabretooth in charge of Mystique, Omega Red, Lady Deathstrike, and Domino.

It wasn’t nearly as well-received as Uncanny X-Force, and the team has been mostly forgotten. However, Deadpool 3 could dust off the name at least, which would lead to a rise in sales for Weapon X-Force’s first appearance in Weapon X #22.


First Appearance: The Exiles #1

Judging by the few Deadpool 3 details that have surfaced, the Exiles could be coming together. Debuting in Exiles #1, it’s a team of displaced variants from different branches of the Multiverse. At one point, Captain Carter — whom we MCU fans met in What If…? and Multiverse of Madness — was an Exile, which could pave the way for their introduction. 

The word on the internet is that the TVA, which was introduced in Loki, is gathering heroes from collapsing dimensions. It leads to the TVA employing Wolverine and Deadpool to find characters from these dying worlds. In other words, they will recruit a team of displaced variants from across the Multiverse. That sure sounds like the Exiles.

Don’t forget that just last year, Sabretooth joined the team after escaping his Krakoan prison in Sabretooth and the Exiles


Clearly, simply having Sabretooth in Deadpool 3 doesn’t mean we’ll be seeing any team form on the screen. At the same time, they could be introduced without Sabretooth. If we don’t at least get a Weapon X-Force joke, I’ll be disappointed. 

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