At long last, Miles Morales is finally getting a live-action movie, and the impact on the market is imminent. Still, will it live up to last year’s massive inflation?

We knew this day was coming. Ever Spider-Man: Homecoming, fans have been on the lookout for the Ultimate Spider-Man, Miles Morales. Then…nothing. There was no word on Spider-Miles getting his spotlight in the MCU. Sure, there were plenty of rumors of him arriving on the big screen, particularly ahead of Spider-Man: No Way Home. By the time the credits rolled, there wasn’t so much as an Easter egg. 

Still, audiences knew that Miles would only be on the shelf for so long. He’s much too popular a character not to star in his own franchise. In a recent interview with Variety, Spider-Verse producer Amy Pascal revealed that Spider-Miles has a live-action film in development. Between that news and the success of Across the Spider-Verse, it’s enough to cause a significant tremor in the Miles Morales market. Let’s take a look at the state of affairs for Miles’ modern grails.


This time last year, the graded 9.8 for the direct edition was a runaway train. Prices rolled from the $2k range straight into $3k territory. At one point, it reached a record $4,499. Then things began to come back to normal. By the summer, values were in the $2,000 range again before dipping below the $2k mark in the fall. 

So far this year, it hasn’t sold for over $2,768, but it also hasn’t fallen under $1,550. Now that the movie is on the way, we may see those $3k prices return. 


If you ever feel like stirring up trouble at a comic convention, argue that Marvel Previews #95 is Miles’ true first appearance. Most collectors will be ready for a fight, given that MP #95 is closer to a catalog and that “appearance” is an advertisement for Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #1.

While that particular Marvel Previews fetches tremendous dollars (a graded 9.8 sold for an astounding - and slightly questionable - $11,600 in 2021), the preferred issue is Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #1. Even better, you can own a 9.8 for close to $600 based on the 30-day average.


Here’s an issue that hardly gets noticed in the grand scheme of things. Whereas UF #4 and Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man #1 get all the glory, Miles appeared in a teaser image at the end of UF #3. Readers saw a partial image of Miles from the chest down holding the Spider-Man mask. Although we don’t see his face, that makes this his first cameo appearance. 

The real bonus here is that you can own a copy for a fraction of the cost of the aforementioned comics. UF #3, graded at a 9.8, has averaged $219 in the past 90 days. Granted that FMV includes both a $400 sale from February and a $138 sale in May. Still, even the record high of $800 from last year is a drop in the bucket compared to the UF #4 prices.


The future of Spider-Man lies with Miles Morales, and Across the Spider-Verse is all the evidence that we need. The only problem is living up to the animated films. If Sony's executives have any common sense, they will offer the writing and directing duties to Phil Lord and Chris Miller. They've proven they understand the character.

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.