Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has arrived, and it brings with it a buying surge for what could be an important character in the future MCU. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD.

With all new MCU movies comes the inevitable collecting rush. By the time the credits finish rolling, there are Easter eggs, teases, and cameos to get you started on new investing targets. In that regard, GOTG 3 lives up to expectations, though it’s in a more subtle way than we’re accustomed to seeing. 

The plot of the movie revolves around The High Evolutionary and his cruel experiments. During the film, the Guardians stumble upon a race of children locked in cages. To no one’s surprise, they rescue the kids, defeat High Evolutionary, and form a new GOTG that includes one of HE’s former experiments. If you pay close attention, you’ll notice that her name is Phyla as revealed in the credits. Although it’s yet to be confirmed by Kevin Feige, the indication is that she is Phyla-Vell straight from the comics. 

Who is Phyla? She is genetically engineered from Elysius and Mar-Vell’s DNA, which makes her their daughter. Over the years, Phyla has been known as Captain Marvel and took up the cosmic wristbands to become Quasar for a time. She also has been a prominent member of the modern GOTG lineup before her death. 

No doubt, GOTG 3’s post-credits scene will have you making a shopping list for Phyla’s key issues. It just so happens I’ve done the research for you.


The first time comic fans caught a glimpse of Phyla-Vell was in the pages of 2004’s Captain Marvel #16. Although she is only seen briefly, it remains her first appearance, and that will have collectors and investors drooling.

As we wait for Marvel Studios to confirm that she is indeed the same Phyla-Vell from the comics, you’ll want to roll the dice on this issue. At the moment, the graded 9.8 is averaging around $200.


This issue has been climbing since the Phyla rumors first began to spread. Although it’s technically her second appearance, Captain Marvel #17 has proven to be the main collecting target, at least at the moment, and it’s ushered the 9.8 to a 30-day fair market value of $244.


There’s plenty of directions for Marvel to go in regards to Phyla. The studio could leave her as a child and allow audiences to see her grow on the screen. Then again, Feige and company have been known to recast roles to age up the characters as we saw with Cassie Lang.

If that is the case with Phyla, we could see her evolve into Martyr, a name she first adopted in 2009’s GOTG #12. There hasn’t been a graded 9.8 to trade hands online since October when one sold for $110.


While Phyla-Vell may have received little more than a cameo in GOTG 3, we could be seeing more of her in the near future. In fact, she would fit as part of The Marvels or the next season of Marvel Girl. There’s actually a future version of Phyla who is her world’s Captain Marvel. Given the state of the MCU Multiverse and the prevalence of time travel, this would be a fitting way to introduce an adult Phyla. That should have you rolling the dice on the alternate Captain Marvel’s first appearance in Infinity Countdown #4. 

In the past two years, the graded 9.8 has earned as much as $175. More recently, one brought $61 earlier this month.

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.