Loki Episode 5, “Journey into Mystery,” left viewers on yet another cliffhanger with Easter eggs galore that make the episode worth a second watch.  WARNING: SPOILERS.

Once again, Loki has given Marvel fans plenty to think about as fans await the finale. This episode, appropriately titled, “Journey into Mystery,” found Loki trapped in the Void where all variants are sent after they have been “pruned” by the TVA. 

Inside the Void is a treasure trove of Marvel nods and allusions. From Throg to the Living Tribunal and even the Thanos-Copter, the remnants of Marvel’s comic past are scattered throughout the Void. On that note, here are six Easter eggs that may have caught your eye.


Since the first trailer for Loki hit the internet, collectors have been speculating on the suit-wearing God of Mischief with a “Vote Loki” button pinned to his jacket. In the fifth episode, viewers were introduced to this political Loki, if only for a moment.

This particular variant made a bid to rule the Void before having his hand bitten off by Alligator Loki. We could still see more of him going forward, and that will have implications for Vote Loki #1.


Of all this week’s Easter eggs, Throg may get the biggest crowd reaction.

Many fans had wondered if we would ever see the Frog of Thunder in the MCU. Having first appeared in Thor #364, he was alluded to in Thor: Ragnarok. Throg finally made his live-action debut in this week’s episode of Loki.

While he was only in a cameo, the underground view clearly features Frog Thor trapped in a jar as he attempts to break free and grab Mjolnir lying nearby. 


As Loki and his variant companions trekked across the Void, they came across a three-faced head lying on the ground. It seemed to be from an ancient statue, but if you look closely, that appears to be the head of the Living Tribunal.

This all-powerful cosmic being debuted in a cameo in 1967’s Strange Tales #157 and made his first full appearance in Strange Tales #158. If you recall, Mordo wielded the staff of the Living Tribunal in Doctor Strange, and this is the first allusion to the god since then.


Keeping Loki and all the other displaced variants imprisoned in the Void is Alioth. In his MCU version, Alioth is a giant cloud that looks like the Smoke Monster from Lost. It feeds on the variants as they enter the Void with a face and mouth that resembles a dragon.

He first appeared in 1993’s Avengers: The Terminatrix Objective #1 as the supreme being of the Timespan. What is even more interesting and with huge implications for Loki is that Terminatrix Objective #1 also featured the debut of the Council of Cross-Time Kangs, who could be a factor in the final episode.


Longtime comic fans, this Easter egg was a gag just for you. No one could miss the remains of a yellow helicopter with the word THANOS boldly printed on the side. Of course, this is a nod toward one of Marvel’s most meme-worthy moments.

Back in 1979, Marvel and the Electric Company published the non-canonical Spidey Super-Stories #39.

The story saw Thanos steal the Cosmic Cube and try to escape in his Thanos-Copter. It has since gained infamy as a meme depicting Marvel’s sillier side.


The Void seen in Loki does not appear to be the same entity from the comics. Fans of Sentry will know it as the evil cosmic darkness that gives Bob Reynolds his powers while also corrupting his mind.

The Void first appeared in Sentry #1. It represents the bloodthirsty, malicious side of Bob’s personality, though it is a sentient being unto itself. 

What do you think? Will these Loki Episode 5 Easter eggs affect the popularity of any of these books? Tell us in the comments!