Collectors and investors alike want to stay ahead of the curve and predict the next comic frenzies. Here are four comics that aren't being talked about (yet) that could skyrocket in the years to come.

Years is the keyword there.

The speculation game is often one of patience and faith. With the success of the MCU and, to a lesser extent, the DCEU, minor first appearances can become major keys overnight at the mere mention of a live-action featured role. Take Hydro-Man, for example. Before the first Spider-Man: Far from Home trailer dropped, not many people cared about him. Once audiences saw the footage, Amazing Spider-Man #212 hit the proverbial ceiling.

Below you'll find four picks for the somewhat-sleeper issues that could jump in value overnight. My logic is based on which characters would make the most sense for movies and television since that is what drives the market. I abstained from including characters and issues connected to major rumors, which is why I left off the likes of Beta Ray Bill, Adam Warlock, Hercules, and even the X-Men and Fantastic Four. That cast of characters is often talked about coming to the big screen, so it's not like their keys can be considered sleepers. This list is dedicated to the characters who make logical sense to be featured on screens but may have been overlooked up to this point.


With all of the MCU moving further toward the cosmic realm, the doors are being opened for many intergalactic characters from the comics. With Adam Warlock already having been named when we saw his cocoon in the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, it adds up that High Evolutionary will follow. In the comics, HE and Warlock have a dysfunctional father-son relationship. Not only that, but HE is famous for meddling in genetics to create his own perfect breed of beings, and that could play into the cosmic MCU. I feel it's likely that High Evolutionary will arrive, and you'll want to go ahead and get the Mighty Thor #134 in anticipation.





There have been rumors of a Green Lantern reboot swirling for years now. Last year it was reported that Geoff Johns, modern-day comic legend, was said to be both writing and directing the Green Lantern Corps, which I think sounds excellent. Warner Brothers has issued a release date of 2020, but until we see posters and trailers or even get an official synopsis, nothing is for sure about this.

Lets say we do get a new Green Lantern movie, you will want Green Lantern #59, the first appearance of Guy Gardner. His character has personality galore, and he could prove to be a scene stealer in a GLC movie and gain instant mainstream popularity.





I've been saying for a month now that Ares is the most logical choice for a main antagonist for the Eternals, which is why you should roll the dice and buy the Mighty Thor #129 right away while it's still relatively cheap. I realize he's already in the MCU (his face is etched into the Grandmaster's tower in Thor: Ragnarok), but I haven't read a single rumor that his live-action counterpart is on the way. That's why now is your time to buy because the God of War will make it into the MCU eventually.





Fans theorized that Amadeus was alluded to in Winter Soldier when Dr. Strange was name dropped. Aside from Dr. Strange, nothing has come of that scene just yet, but that could soon change. With the rumored Hulk show on Disney Plus and the numerous nods to Marvel's more recent comic stories, I can picture Amadeus arriving in the MCU and transforming into the Totally Awesome Hulk. That being said, the two keys you'll want on your wish list are Cho's first appearance in Amazing Fantasy #15 (2005) and his debut as the "all-new, all-different" Hulk in Totally Awesome Hulk #1.