Speculators everywhere are fawning over Shuri, and the variants for Shuri #2 are making serious waves in the collecting world.

With the real-life events casting doubt over the future of the Black Panther movie franchise, the speculation is that Shuri will don the Panther mask. That has made Shuri #2 one of the hottest comics on the market. However, it isn’t the first print that collectors are aiming for as the second print and the variants' stars are shining the brightest as of late.


The lesser-known second print has suddenly boomed. What was once an overlooked issue outside of that small group of Shuri fans has now ballooned to being a $200 comic, and that is for raw copies. 

For comparison’s sake, take a look at the sales data for the first print. There have been no recorded sales for graded copies from the original print run. In fact, you can get the first print for about $20 on eBay. 

The second print, on the other hand, has gradually increased from selling for about $85 toward the beginning of the month to $100 by September 15, and it has been regularly selling in the $175 range in recent weeks. One even went for $200 on September 17.


If you are looking for another Shuri issue to watch, keep an eye on the movie variant. Ever since the MCU began dominating the box office, Marvel regularly puts photos of the actors on the comics. Such is the case with this issue. 

In 2019, comic shops could hardly give away this variant. Only one graded copy sold all year - a 9.8 that went for just $39, which is hardly enough to cover the grading fees. As recently as June, it still was only bringing $50. Then the Shuri boom awakened the market, and a seller paid $199.99 on September 15. 

ShuriSHURI #2 (1:25 VARIANT)

Again, you can see how suddenly this issue has become collectible when there are no recorded sales for it. Such is the case with many of the Shuri #2s, including the 1:25 Afua Richardson ratio variant.

What that 1:25 means is that comic dealers get one of the variants for every 25 copies ordered as an incentive. At the time, this wasn’t a good deal for LCS owners because Shuri simply wasn’t selling. That has only made these issues that much more collectible.

Looking at the eBay sold listings, the 1:25 cover is riding the Shuri wave. Back in June, a high-grade copy sold for $22.95. Then on September 7, that selling price dipped to $10.50.

What caught my attention was the September 16 sale for $99. Whether or not that will prove to be an outlier remains to be seen, but all of the Shuri #2 variants have spiked, and it would not surprise me to see this become the trend, at least for now.


All things Shuri are lighting up the comic market, and there is more to say about T’Challa’s sister. Anyone looking to make a profit needs to act now on practically anything Shuri because the inflation will only stretch the balloon so far.