The Sony-verse is expanding to the small screen with multiple Spider-Man spinoff projects beginning with the long-awaited Silk: Spider Society series.

We’ve known for years that Silk would star in her own live-action show, but it’s finally becoming a reality. That is welcome news for her fans after the newswire had grown cold on that front with nothing being said about Cindy Moon’s future on the big or small screen. It had many wondering if the show had gone the way of the elusive Silver Sable/Black Cat team-up movie that went in and out of fashion multiple times at Sony Pictures. 

Sony, Amazon, and MGM+ announced a joint partnership to bring not only Silk to the small screen, but the studios will be developing multiple projects for the streaming services. The only character named specifically has been Silk, but it should mark open season on a host of Spider-Verse properties. While there will be plenty of fallout to discuss in the coming weeks, the collecting and investing game begins with Cindy Moon.


Before she was given spider powers of her own, Cindy debuted in the third volume of ASM #1. While this isn’t the biggest key in the collection, you’ll need it to complete the set, which is always a priority for serious collectors. Speaking of Cindy, we have met her in the MCU. She was more or less a background character in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Since the Sony-Verse and the MCU are connected, it should be interesting to see how the two versions of her play out on the screen. Will we eventually see them meet? Only time will tell.

Up until this week’s news, the prices for graded 9.8s had been holding steady in $50-$60 territory. On Thursday, the value took a slight hike into the $80+ range, so it’s still easily affordable.


For the past couple of years, this has been the go-to Silk key. Sure, Cindy debuted in ASM #1, and ASM #2-3 teased her powers, but we didn’t get the complete picture until ASM #4. As we have seen over the years, that full first appearance tends to be the more sought-after key issue. That’s certainly the case here.

 Shortly after Thursday's announcement, the standard cover graded at a 9.8 quickly surpassed the $200 mark while the Humberto Ramos ratio variant was selling for $500-$575.


The consolation prize of the group is Silk #1, which happens to be Cindy’s first starring role in her own series. Since this isn’t a major first, the price is well below those of ASM #4, so that’s great news for buyers on a budget. Going back to completing the set, that’s another reason to want to add this to your long boxes. Silk #1 hasn’t exploded quite yet, but prices are back into the $100+ range.


For those of you who invested years ago, get ready to reap the rewards. On the flip side, if you got on the bandwagon after prices inflated from the original streaming series announcement, then you should cross your fingers that they reach the 2020-2021 values.

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.