Author: Joseph Overaitis

by Joseph Overaitis | March 22, 2023

Buyer mistake columns are always a must-read.  During an analysis of comic book transactions for the first quarter of the year, some new mistakes were observed.  These mistakes should be corrected so that they do not occur deeper in the year. Here are a few examples of...

by Joseph Overaitis | March 17, 2023

Magicians never want to reveal their tricks - it provides them a competitive advantage over their peers. Comic book collectors and investors are the same way.  Both are hesitant to reveal a discovery that could hinder their own goals.   Prices go...

by Joseph Overaitis | March 7, 2023

Batman Villain Joe Chill has been around since 1939.    What many fans do not realize is that the character has rarely been fleshed out in movies or live-action television shows.  Even in Batman (1989), the character was retconned into Jack Napier, aka the Joker.  Less important characters...

by Joseph Overaitis | February 23, 2023

Every comic book hobbyist knows the basic supplies needed to collect comic books. Bags, boards, comic dividers, boxes, and crates fill collector/investor shelves.  Those are the most common tools of the trade, but other gadgets exist that should be on your list.  These items will make you...

by Joseph Overaitis | February 16, 2023

A wise person once said that "wisdom is not a product of schooling, but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it". Comic book collectors and investors could learn something from Albert Einstein.  Studying the comic book marketplace allows one to avoid pitfalls while exploiting opportunities. The key...

by Joseph Overaitis | February 10, 2023

Hollywood gives out all kinds of awards.  The Oscars, Emmy, People's Choice, S.A.G., and others all celebrate artists' contributions to film and television. I felt left out, so here are my Collector Awards. The Collectors highlight celebrity contributions in the collecting field... and the winners of the...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 26, 2023

A person who fishes rarely reveals a honey hole; as soon as word gets out, everyone will be there dropping their line. I have kept a secret that has given me an advantage as a comic book hobbyist. This secret was given to me decades ago and...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 22, 2023

Keys are important in comic book collecting and investing. These books have something significant that makes them important.  This can be a plot device or something significant about the creative team that is of such importance that the issue is desired by people.  The problem is that...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 15, 2023

The economy and overall status of the comic book market are not doing well. Disposable income is drying up and as a result, comic book prices are falling. People are still buying but the prices people are willing to pay are way down.  The data is there...

by Joseph Overaitis | January 3, 2023

It is that time of year for new beginnings. The new year is when people make resolutions to improve their lives.  Comic book collectors and investors should do the same.  No matter how successful you are, there is always room for improvement.  Here are a few resolutions...