Category: Golden Age

by ComicArtTrends | January 30, 2021

A long time ago in a land far away, I heard of mythical, ancient tomes of great value.  These artifacts of bygone times contained the treasures of decades past.  But, they were sealed not in Mylar...

by $Rico$ | January 16, 2021

There are certain events in life you remember where you were and what you were doing.  They are distinct memories that you have and that you will never forget in your lifetime.  January 14, 2021, was one of those days.  Ironically, I was in...

by Cassaundra Thomas | January 14, 2021

Batman #1. The first issue in the Batman comic series. The first appearance of The Joker and Catwoman. SUCH an iconic comic. Being from 1940, it is such a great Golden Age comic. Now, the highest-graded issue is going on

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | January 4, 2021

Whether you love later printings or you hate them, they are here to stay according to the amorphous comic book market. Modern collectors and speculators have placed higher value in later printings of books than previous generations for a variety of reasons. Rather than taking sides, it's important...

by hatchy69 | December 8, 2020

With the holidays just around the corner, I thought it might be fun to take a look at one of the longer traditions in comic books. The Christmas Comic Covers! You'll Have to Narrow it Down The great thing about this...

by Mwilliams5 | November 27, 2020

The Invaders title is one of those forgotten series of the Bronze Age. It is a great idea, telling stories from WWII with Marvel's (Timely's) original Golden Age heroes teamed up. It is just one of those series you hardly ever hear of, and aside from Invaders 1 and

by Cassaundra Thomas | November 15, 2020

The folks over at ComicConnect had quite the auction that resulted in the sale of Detective Comics #27 selling for $850k! DETECTIVE COMICS #27 Winning the...

by Joseph Overaitis | November 6, 2020

If you read these blogs you see so many superhero reports that you would assume that it is the only genre of comic books you can make money on.  If you believe that then you are missing out.  For this article, I will focus on the most...

by Peter Daddone | October 30, 2020

As I write my first blog for GoCollect, I am nervous that this venture might go about as well as Deadpool's first meeting with Juggernaut! I've been thinking a lot about under the radar comics with historical significance (I'll call them HSKeys).  An HSKey is...

by Joseph Overaitis | October 19, 2020

As I sat here reviewing the GoCollect articles I realize something has been missing from the site.  What shocked me is during this time of year I never thought this could be possible.  Where are the horror comic book articles?   Knowing The Market...