Category: Modern Age

by $Rico$ | July 12, 2020

If you are any type of comic book collector you spent your fair share of time digging in longbox after longbox full of comic books; both the back issue bins and the dollar bins for that matter. We purposely look through the longboxes to find missing issues...

by Norman Robinson | July 12, 2020

Before you start hearing the clarion call of the Imperial March by John Williams; know this: this blog is not about Hans Solo or any Star Wars referenced character. Still interested? The character we are following today is Solo; he is a teleporting mercenary...

by James Jou | July 10, 2020

Like walking in a Brookstone and your eyes just wander all over the place, there are now more variants of Modern comics than ever all fighting for our limited attention and pocketbooks. Here we will weed through that and feature a few that are rising in popularity....

by Matt Tuck | July 10, 2020

The Robin King may be stealing the Death Metal spotlight, but the Batman Who Laughs is still DC's crown jewel, and his early appearances are only getting hotter. The Batman Who Laughs Sooner or later, we'll see a Dark Nights: Metal adaptation. After the epic...

by Matt Tuck | July 8, 2020

Dark Nights: Death Metal #2 needs to be on your pull list, and here's why. A MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS The Batman Who Laughs is least for now (after all, death doesn't mean much in the world of superheroes). SPOILER In...

by Matt Tuck | July 6, 2020

Bishop has been involved in a number of X-Men theories in recent months, and the market values for his first appearances are seeing a boom because of it. BISHOP SPECULATION There's a lot to speculate on when it comes to the X-Men family of characters. We have...

by Matt Tuck | July 5, 2020

Did you jump on the Omega Red bandwagon? You'll wish you had when you see the current values. OMEGA RED KEY ISSUES X-MEN #4 (1991) Even...

by Norman Robinson | July 4, 2020

Why is Ultimate Fallout #4 so darned popular now? For years it has just hung out. You might refer to an early post I did last year that warned Ultimate Fallout #4 was a solid investment or speculation depending on the time horizon and to pick a...

by Matt Tuck | July 4, 2020

There is investment potential for those Secret Invasion keys, particularly anything connected to the New Avengers. Since Endgame wrapped up the first era of the MCU, we've been wondering where the Avengers franchise is heading. Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow are gone. Thor...

by Matt Tuck | July 3, 2020

Yet another new character has been introduced to the Marvel Universe, Black Winter, which puts the investment target on Thor #5. THE MIDAS TOUCH Since Donny Cates joined Marvel's writing team, he has been handing out the new characters like candy on Halloween. In 2017, he...