Category: Modern Age

by $Rico$ | May 26, 2020

The thing about comic book collecting is we like to collect a little bit of everything – a Marvel superhero here, a DC character there, and of course, an Independent superhero every now and then.  It wouldn’t be right to limit oneself to just one publisher,...

by $Rico$ | May 25, 2020

It seems nowadays we all know about the A-list characters in comics but let us not forget the minor, B-list characters out there in the comic world.  Soon to make that transition to A-list status we all are hoping for.  This article will focus on one such...

by Norman Robinson | May 23, 2020

Three months wiser and the collectibles market is still thriving and for that matter so is the stock market. Investments are important in times of economic stress, primarily as a security blanket for those with limited means. The Depression was a long time ago, but the people...

by ARIELLAZO | May 23, 2020

This month saw the beginning of the pandemic affecting the Comic Book industry in many ways. Although Diamond didn't stop shipping till April 1st, many shops were already being forced to close. According to ComicChron, "While week 4 debuts had lower orders than for any week in...

by Mike W | May 22, 2020

Have you ever been on Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu and wondered if the show you are watching is from a comic? The likely answer is yes. More than ever, comics, specifically from independent publishers are being adapted to tv shows and movies. In fact, it is happening...

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | May 22, 2020

We looked at his enemies already, but it doesn't mean the big green lug can't have any friends. Let's take a deeper look at the key issues of the Gamma Fam. (Can I copyright that?) The Immortal Hulk I won't rehash what I've said earlier,...

by Matt Tuck | May 21, 2020

With the impending arrival of the Gold Lantern Corps, (GLC), there is now 10 different colors for the Green Lantern, (GL) mythos. Is it worth your time to collect the different Corps' key issues? The new Gold Lantern won't boost values for the Corps, but the...

by Matt Tuck | May 20, 2020

Following the success of Punchline, DC Comics is introducing three new characters and a new Lantern corps in Legion of Super-Heroes #6. Time to add it to your pull list. Superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis posted a teaser to his Instagram account, heralding...

by Jeff @ TakeRoot | May 16, 2020

Have you been enjoying the Al Ewing and Joe Bennett Immortal Hulk series as much as I have? Let's look at some of the characters and key issues. Immortal Hulk I'm generally hesitant of reading superhero mags these days because I like the completed series. I like...

by bdeschaine | May 16, 2020

This is my third piece on newsstand variants from the 1990s, you can find the others here and here. In this article, I present ten more comics from the 1990s that you might want to consider grabbing in newsstand if you can...