Category: Modern Age

by ARIELLAZO | April 17, 2020

Time for round two of Blue Ocean Books! In case you forgot, Blue Ocean books are comics that no one is looking at right now. For example, when Marvel announced that Ronin would be in EndGame, everybody went crazy over the first appearance. That's called the Red...

by Matt Tuck | April 16, 2020

The market is bottoming out for high-priced Silver and Bronze Age comics, but how are the modern keys holding up? The short answer is that modern comics are holding steady. For the most part, the more popular keys aren't gaining value, but they aren't losing...

by Norman Robinson | April 14, 2020

Anyone who has been collecting comics either for profit or just fun has experienced the joy of the hunt. Yes, much like a cheetah on the plains of Africa we stalk our prey. Then when the moment is right, we pounce! Our tenacity could give any...

by $Rico$ | April 13, 2020

As you probably know, there is much talk out there about a new Green Lantern movie in development.  The exact details are of course anyone's guess but what this article is going to focus on is a character that you might not have heard of………....

by Norman Robinson | April 12, 2020

The DC Universe is filled with forgotten Copper Age superheroes and villains. Any one of these could at some point wind up in a series or better yet a movie. The funny thing is many are the best-known issues, and each is an important...

by $Rico$ | April 11, 2020

There are a lot of articles going around talking about the current state of the comic book industry.  Should we be buying?  Should we be selling in the middle of a recession?  Or should we hold our key issues for the next...

by Robert DOttavi | April 10, 2020

Despite being a creation of the 1990s, Harley Quinn has become one of the most popular DC characters ever. Originally just "the Joker's girlfriend," Harley has stepped into her own spotlight, headlining multiple comics, video games, tv shows and now, movies. Created by Batman: The...

by Mike W | April 5, 2020

"Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Superman"! One of the most famous quotes in comic history from DC Comics' Superman.  Similarly, Marvel has numerous heroes that are very comparable to the powers of Superman. Heroes such as Hyperion, Sentry, and...

by Mike W | April 4, 2020

These days, independent comics are being optioned left and right for movies or TV shows. Some comics get the option treatment shortly after they are released and some will receive notification after being in the market for years. The risk of investing and speculating in comic...

by Norman Robinson | April 3, 2020

Graded slabs have taken charge of the market recently, with an enormous cost uptick to raw comics. There has been a silent ongoing battle for the soul of comic collectors and investors everywhere. That battle quite simply is between purists who collect only raw comics and...