Category: Old School

by Ryan Kirksey | May 4, 2023

Analyzing the Hottest Silver Age Comics of the last 30 days, we may be beginning to see some trends from a couple years ago emerging as investors start to speculate on books again. This list is typically populated with books driven by speculation...

by Luke Smith | April 10, 2023

Have you ever accidentally collected something? As collectors, we often find ourselves caught up in our own self-driven hype over a new discovery and that often leads to us collecting strange and unusual things. But something completely different to that happened to me and my collection over...

by Luke Smith | February 7, 2023

“Brace Yourself guys, This is a Long One…” In this article, I will be using my favourite Marvel Comic character, The Lizard, as an example of how long-term continuity can ruin an otherwise great character - Warning: Spoilers for the last 60yrs ahead!

by Ryan Kirksey | January 27, 2023

Considering the original 1984 Secret Wars series, key issues, various sequels, toy lines, variants covers, and a movie on the way in a few years, it's easy to forget there was a time before there was ever a concept known as "Secret Wars." But...

by ComicArtTrends | January 3, 2023

When cowboy actors are immortalized in comics, does the sun never set on their fame?  After they pass, do the fictional heroes based on their likenesses continue to thrive like our imaginations of the Old West?  Or, are those pardners...

by Chris Severs | November 1, 2022

Since posting my first blogs on digital (NFT) collecting, I receive MANY questions about collecting strategies...

by Lauren Sisselman | October 29, 2022

If you grew up between the 1950s and the 1980s, chances are you wore a Ben Cooper brand costume for Halloween.  Ben Cooper is a Halloween icon, and their simple yet effective costumes -- a plastic mask and a plastic smock -- defined Halloween for generations of...

by Chris Severs | October 10, 2022

37 years of physical comic collecting to digital collecting.  Is this for real? Now enjoying my 5th decade on Spaceship Earth, I have been collecting physical comic books on and off for a tad over 37 years since purchasing my first comic at age 14.  That book...

by Ryan Kirksey | October 8, 2022

I’m happy to be back again bringing you the latest quarterly installment of Undervalued Comics in 2022. Books that, in this volatile and news-sensitive market, actually seem to hold strong future value potential. If you missed any of the previous iterations of Undervalued Comics,...

by Ryan Kirksey | September 20, 2022

Analyzing the Hottest Silver Age Comics of the last 30 days is a case study of both what lies behind us and speculation about what lies ahead. Normally this list is populated with books driven by speculation from future MCU or DCEU projects. And...