Category: Old School

by David Fox | August 22, 2022

Maybe this blog should have been delivered in a brown wrapper... Let's take a look at some of the unintentionally naughty toys that have hit the shelves, shall we? There is a saying about the attractiveness of forbidden fruit.  To me,...

by Ryan Kirksey | August 8, 2022

Books that fall under the announcement umbrella of SDCC are still simmering and moving up the sales charts, but what about the names, teams, and projects that were not announced? The heavy market movement on many of the announced projects represents a buying opportunity for those projects...

by Cassaundra Thomas | June 5, 2022

From the numerous music venues in Portland & Seattle to the breakout artists that emerged from the area, the Pacific Northwest is known for being iconic in the music scene. Something that seems to be hiding in the shadows, though, is the murder scene that appears to...

by Matt Tuck | June 1, 2022

The original doctor is about to stake his claim as superhero cinema’s top master of the mystic arts when Doctor Fate arrives in the DCEU. Black Adam has the potential to change the status quo. To this point, the DCEU’s focus...

by Josh Robbins | May 29, 2022

The new Disney + theatrical version of Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers will likely subvert expectations for lifelong fans of the series, but what are some comics and video games we should be looking at as investors? A Little History

by Ryan Kirksey | May 24, 2022

Note: This post contains spoilers about various Marvel and DC on-screen projects related to these comic issues. Analyzing the Hottest Silver Age Comics of the last 30 days is a case study of both what lies behind us and speculation about what...

by Cassaundra Thomas | May 16, 2022

There are some natural struggles you'd expect when trying to archive a collection. Dating pieces is one of them. As I'm going through this collection of concert posters, I have to really dig sometimes to find the year for many. What happens when two very...

by Ryan Kirksey | May 2, 2022

I’m happy to be back again bringing you the latest quarterly installment of Undervalued Comics in 2022. Books that, in this high-priced and news-sensitive market, actually seem to hold strong future value potential. If you missed any of the previous iterations of Undervalued Comics, you can ...

by Ryan Kirksey | April 16, 2022

NOTE: This post contains rumors and mild spoilers for upcoming DC and Marvel projects on screen. Proceed with caution. Analyzing the Hottest Silver Age Comics of the last 30 days is a case study of both what lies behind us and what lies ahead....

by Lauren Sisselman | April 7, 2022

One of the more interesting periods in the American comic scene is the pulp era, which roughly ran from 1896 to the mid-1950s. These stories laid the groundwork for today's comic books, and they also introduced a number of heroes in the process. These heroes include Buck...