Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, like its predecessor, is a rare critical and commercial hit, especially for an animated movie about a superhero. Not surprisingly, its success has drummed up market demand for key issues featuring characters that appeared in the film, including Miles Morales, Spider-Woman, and Spider-Man 2099. Let's take a look at several of those key issues that up for auction in this week's PWCC weekly auction.
Ultimate Fallout #4 (Marvel, 2011) CGC 9.8 White Pages
Although this isn't the first printing of Ultimate Fallout #4, I like this cover because it actually shows Miles' face for the first time on a cover. According to GoCollect, the FMV of a 9.8 copy of this book is currently $325.
Not surprisingly, due to the critical and commercial success of Across the Spider-Verse, there has been a high volume of sales of this book in recent weeks. For instance, during a two-day period, six 9.8 copies sold on eBay during a three-day span from June 26th through the 28th. Those six copies sold in the $190 to $224 range.
As of Friday, June 29th, the current bid on PWCC is $210.
Spider-Woman #1 (Marvel, 1978) CGC 9.4
Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, makes her cinematic debut in Across the Spider-Verse. Although Jessica Drew was the first female version of Spider-Man, making her first appearance in this 1978 Bronze Age key issue, Spider-Gwen has since eclipsed Jessica in terms of popularity.
This is reflected in the value of her first appearance. Although the volume of sales for this issue spiked in June due to the release of the film, the value of the book hasn't risen much at all. For instance, during the month of June, 9.4s have sold in the $60 to $90 range which is essentially what it sold for back in January and February of this year.
A 9.4 reached its all-time high of $171 in January 2022. Personally, I think this book is undervalued for a Bronze Age first appearance of a well-known "Spider" character.
As of Saturday, May 6th, the current bid on PWCC is $58.
Spider-Man 2099 #1 (Marvel, 1992) CGC 9.8
This book has been on an absolute tear ever since we first saw in Spider-Man 2099 appear in the first Across the Spider-Verse trailer. Savvier investors snapped up this issue back in early 2019 shortly after Oscar Isaac's Spider-Man 2099 appeared, in a cameo at the very end of Into the Spider-Verse.
Back then, 9.8s were selling for $60 to $65. Today, they're selling in the $170 to $190 range. Even at this price point, it's still substantially off from its all-time high of $230 which it set when we saw the first trailer for Across the Spider-Verse.
Interestingly, this book has started to close the price gap with Amazing Spider-Man #365, which contains a five-page preview of the first five pages of Spider-Man 2099 #1. While 9.8s of that issue are still selling for around $200, a bit more than a 9.8 of Spider-Man 2099 #1, the all-time high for ASM #365 was $508 back in May 2021.
It appears the market's preferences for this character have shifted a bit in favor of Spider-Man 2099 #1. Personally, I've always preferred Spider-Man 2099 #1 since it features Spider-Man 2099 on its cover.
As of Friday, June 29th, the current bid on PWCC is $145.
Have any other items in this week's PWCC auction caught your attention? Please let our community know in the comments section below!
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