Category: Artist Spotlight

by Doug Ohlandt | February 18, 2023

One area of focus in comic collecting that has been overlooked since other forms of media began to have such a great influence on the hobby is that of hunting down key comics by top creators. Never fear. We’re here to help you sort through the top...

by Joseph Overaitis | February 10, 2023

Hollywood gives out all kinds of awards.  The Oscars, Emmy, People's Choice, S.A.G., and others all celebrate artists' contributions to film and television. I felt left out, so here are my Collector Awards. The Collectors highlight celebrity contributions in the collecting field... and the winners of the...

by ComicArtTrends | December 7, 2022

Artists whose skills surpass their contemporaries always stand out.  Russ Heath, master of the DC Silver Age war genre, deserves that rank.  Pull on your combat boots and strap your helmet tight.  Today, we'll review...

by ComicArtTrends | December 4, 2022

If as a president, Ronald Reagan was known as the great communicator, then I claim the same could be said about George Pérez.  Where Reagan communicated through encouraging speeches and anecdotes, Pérez spoke through the medium of comic art and interactions with fans.  And his pictures, along...

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | November 13, 2022

The tagline for Arks is: ‘Read the comic that’s changing science fiction’ –a punchy statement designed to intrigue and annoy in equal part. The nerds would say science fiction can’t be changed because it is by its very nature always changing with the times and science that...

by ComicArtTrends | October 11, 2022

Do you prefer buying art by someone whose fame originated from a marginal character, possibly an avant-garde mini-series?  Or alternatively, do you like artists with a long track record in the industry working on the best characters? For sure, a few...

by YourCousinMarvinBerry | October 7, 2022

“This seems to be a man with a bloody axe holding a woman’s head up, which has been severed from her body. Do you think that’s in good taste?” Fans of Crime Suspenstories #22 know this story well - and they know that it's in...

by ComicArtTrends | September 24, 2022

Would you rather own a wall-size oil painting by your next-door neighbor's kid or a sketch by a legend? Most collectors have to balance their avarice with their wallet size, especially when talking about Kirby art and comics.  So, if your pockets don't run deep, let's talk...

by ComicArtTrends | September 13, 2022

What is the Modern Age of comics--such a vague term?  Some claim it started in the mid-eighties, but that would make the modern age "middle aged" at 37.  Regardless of how you break down the various periods in comic book history, today I will preview some thoroughly...

by ComicArtTrends | September 7, 2022

What are your Rich Buckler career highlights: 1974-1976 Fantastic Four run, mid to late 80's Spectacular Spider-Man or Saga of the Sub-Mariner, a host of Bronze age DC covers?  Buckler, who passed away in 2017, had the...